Fine Print
Fine Print: A Review of the Arts of the Book was a quarterly
journal published from 1975-1990. Each issue featured a cover designed
by a different book artist (typographer, calligrapher, printer, etc.).
�American Calligraphy Revisted 1945-1965�
Charles E. Skaggs
in Fine Print, Volume 10, number 4, October 1984
This issue featured a cover by Charles E. Skaggs, a composite
of lettering by a number of American calligraphers; a key to the
identity of the various hands is shown below. |
Skaggs also wrote an article in this issue surveying
a fruitful twenty years of American calligraphy. He begins by lamenting
the present scarcity of calligraphy in trade publishing or business,
other than greeting cards. He discusses earlier periods which were
more favorable to aspiring calligraphic designers, starting with
Edward Johnston in England in the early decades of the twentieth
century: �Edward Johnston and his disciples set in motion a renaissance
of lettering and writing in England.� Johnston�s example extended
to the United States. From the mid-1930s a small group of �pioneers�
from various geographical and cultural backgrounds generated changes
in publication design. All shared a re-emerging historical interest
in the alphabet and �laid the groundwork for an outburst of calligraphic
expression in book work.� Skaggs discusses book design and book
jackets, and ends with brief profiles of seven men �primarily designers
and secondarily calligraphers, whose collective legacy is paramount�
to the distinguished heritage of American calligraphy. These biographies,
as well as other comments by Skaggs from this Fine Print article,
appear in the text of some of the labels throughout this exhibition. |
Responses To Charles Skaggs' 1984 Fine Print Article:
With the cover Charles Skaggs designed for Fine Print are letters
from other calligraphers about his article, written in a variety of
beautiful hands.
Phillip Grushkin
Autograph letter. November 4, 1984
Philip Grushkin (born 1921) was, according to Skaggs,
�the brightest and youngest of the feisty kids of the 1940s.� He
trained with George Salter and soon developed his own less academic
styles of italic and pen-constructed capitals. �For more than a
dozen years his jackets exemplified the sophisticated New York look
that publishers were eager to adopt.� In this letter, Grushkin congratulates
Skaggs for �a splendid bit of writing, and particularly for including
me in it.� |
Warren Chappell
Autograph letter. March 21, 1985 Type designer and author Warren
Chappell (born 1904) �has done probably more illustration and book
typography than calligraphy. However, his early grounding in traditional
letterforms is as evident in his typeface designs as in his facility
with a pen in illustration and ornament.� His letter to Skaggs is
ornamented with a drawing of a quill pen. |
Don M. Moy
Autograph letter. December 28, 1983
Don Moy was a contributing editor at Fine Print. In this letter
predating Skaggs� article, Moy reassures Skaggs about it: �Now
rest easy about writing for F.P.� |
Lili Wronker
Autograph letter. [p.m.] December 18, 1984
Lili Wronker is an accomplished calligrapher, in both
the English and Hebrew alphabets, and is also a children�s book
illustrator. |
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