
L.P. Hartley

Both of the volumes below are the first American printing of novels by the British writer L. P. Hartley. Both of the book jackets are identified: �Typography, binding, and jacket designs by Charles E. Skaggs.� Skaggs designed many books and book jackets for Alfred A. Knopf, publishers of �Borzoi� editions, for several decades beginning in the mid-1940s.

The Go Between - original design

The Go-Between

Leslie P. Hartley
New York:
Knopf, 1954
original design (l)
as published (r)
The Go Between - published jacket
A Perfect Woman - original design

A Perfect Woman

Leslie P. Hartley
New York:
Knopf, 1956
original design (l)
as published (r)
A Perfect Woman - published jacket
The Skaggs Collection contains many books with their jackets, other flattened book jackets, and original artwork for the book jackets designed by Skaggs. This design and these book jackets reveal the re-use of designs on different titles, as well as significant changes made between the original designs and the final printed book jackets. All of the text on these book jackets is hand-lettered by Skaggs.

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