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Prez-Mayor Team to Emcee Silver Chord Bowl
At this year's Silver Chord Bowl, the highly popular showcase of a cappella groups from colleges across the country, the between-performance announcements and banter may be as entertaining for Smith community members as the outstanding singing.

That's when President Carol Christ will take the microphone, along with Northampton Mayor Clare Higgins, as they emcee the festivities. The president-mayor combination is a town/gown first for the event.

The Silver Chord Bowl will take place on Sunday, February 2, at 2 p.m. in John M. Greene Hall.

Not to be overshadowed by the historic emcee team are the performers, a "who's who" lineup of college a cappella groups.

There will be Smith's Noteables, a group recently referred to as "musical goddesses," now in their twentieth season; the Amherst College Zumbyes; The Boston University Terpsichore, one of the country's best women's groups, who last year were finalists in the International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella (ICCA), held at Lincoln Center; The University of Michigan's Compulsive Lyres, last year's first-place winners at the ICCA; the Wesleyan Spirits, now in their twenty-second year; and the University of Pennsylvania Inspiration, a co-ed group which celebrates the legacy of Black music.

The Silver Chord Bowl, a non-competitive event, is part of the Four Sundays in February series presented by the Northampton Arts Council. The show has sold out at John M. Greene Hall for the past two years. Tickets are $8 in advance (available at several local locations, including State Street Fruit Store and the Academy of Music box office), $10 at the door; order by credit card by calling 413-587-1269.

"If you have never seen a college a cappella event you are in for a real treat," according to a Northampton Arts Council press release. "You will be amazed by all the sound that can be created without instruments, you'll laugh at the antics and be stunned by the beauty of the harmonies."

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