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Elan McCollum ’08

Jan Arbaugh ’07

Alesandra Sandin ’07

Amanda Bird ’07

Emily Ellithorpe-Luker ’07

Shadavia Jones ’10

Merrilyn Lewis, advancement

Sam Rush, theatre

Christine Carr Hill, advancement


What do you do at Smith?

I am the planned giving coordinator in the advancement office. I work closely with the many donors who have funded planned gifts, my colleagues in advancement, the controller's office and our outside trustee bank on the necessary details to administer the gifts.

How many years have you been at the college?

20 wonderful years.

What is your busy season?

November through early February. Please stay away from me in January (my absolute busiest month) if you are sick.


Who gets the most face time with you?

My colleagues in planned giving and my workout partners in aqua aerobics and floor aerobics.

What are you reading now?

The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, for the advancement book group discussion in January.

What is your favorite movie?

The Big Chill, followed by The Princess Bride.

If you suddenly had two hours of free time, what would you do?

Curl up with a good book or take a nap.

What is your favorite wall hanging at home?

Any of the Ansel Adams pictures in our living room, which remind me of my memorable trip to Yosemite National Park.

Do you vote?

Yes, and almost always for a Democrat.

If you could live during any period in time and in any place, when and where?

Well, I've always been fascinated with the King Arthur and Camelot period of time. However, if I was not a woman born into high society, I would have been a rebel and probably wouldn't have lived long. So in retrospect, I'll say I'm happy to be living in a time when a woman's voice and opinion matters.

Who does the work around your abode?

My husband does all the outside work and he has a real knack for landscaping so it keeps him very busy and we have a beautiful yard. Which, unfortunately, leaves me to do all the inside work and the shopping. It works for us though.

Is there any time in your life you wish you could do over?

A day or two maybe, but not a whole period. I feel we learn from our mistakes and that brings strength and growth.

What did you do before you came to Smith?

I was a paralegal at a law firm in Northampton.

What single piece of advice would you give to graduating Smithies?

Life is filled with highs and lows so ride the high wave with gusto to carry you through the more difficult periods.

1/2/07   Compiled by Eric Sean Weld
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