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Elan McCollum ’08

Jan Arbaugh ’07

Alesandra Sandin ’07

Amanda Bird ’07

Emily Ellithorpe-Luker ’07

Shadavia Jones ’10

Merrilyn Lewis, advancement

Sam Rush, theatre

Christine Carr Hill, advancement

Mary Martineau, advancement

Sidnie Davis ’08

Rene Heavlow AC’08, Women & Financial Independence


What do you do at Smith?

I'm the assistant director for WFI, responsible
for programming and outreach to students, alumnae and the Pioneer Valley. I am also an Ada Comstock scholar graduating in 2008! I am majoring in Afro-American Studies and minoring in Ethics.

How many years have you been at the college?

February makes 7 years.

What is your busy season?

There is a bit of slow down in the summer
because we have less foot traffic, but the academic year is full of activity.


Who gets the most face time with you?

My son and nephew...though at
times I'm sure my son wishes they had less.

What are you reading now?

Nothing, the semester just ended and I welcome
the break.

What is your favorite movie?

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

If you suddenly had two hours of free time, what would you do?

Winter: quilt or knit. Summer: go for a swim in my favorite tiny little watering hole in Hatfield.

What is your favorite wall hanging at home?

The very first quilt I ever made...though I can't help but see each and every mistake in it.

Do you vote?

Not in all the elections. I should...I know I know...

If you could live during any period in time and in any place, when and where?

I can't say I'd like to live in any other time, but I would have loved to see my grandmother during her prime dancing years.

Who does the work around your abode?

Me, me, and, unless of course my 14-year-old son is on punishment.

Is there any time in your life you wish you could do over?

No, I prefer to make the most of today and hope for a better tomorrow.

What did you do before you came to Smith?

I taught legal secretaries in New York City, who were used to the keyboard-driven WordPerfect operating system, how to manuever in Windows and how to use Word. Best tip: teach someone how to play solitaire on the computer and they get the hang of single- and double-clicking in no time!

What single piece of advice would you give to graduating Smithies?

Reinvent your life as many times as it takes for you to be fulfilled. What you do immediately after graduation doesn't have to be the only path you take...unless you want it to be.

1/22/07   Compiled by Eric Sean Weld 12/22/06
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