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Elan McCollum ’08

Jan Arbaugh ’07

Alesandra Sandin ’07

Amanda Bird ’07

Emily Ellithorpe-Luker ’07

Shadavia Jones ’10

Merrilyn Lewis, advancement

Sam Rush, theatre

Christine Carr Hill, advancement

Mary Martineau, advancement

Sidnie Davis ’08

Rene Heavlow AC’08, WFI

Talia Levy ’10

Samantha Lewis ’08

Sabrina Marsh, admission

Sam Samuels, advancement

Adriel Slaughter, admission

Caredwen Foley ’09

Joseph Bialek, libraries


What do you do at Smith?

I do triage in a book hospital and run part of the college's book hotel -- preparations supervisor and stacks manager.

How many years have you been at the college?


What is your busy season?

All seasons are busy.


Who gets the most face time with you?


What are you reading now?

Lords of the North, by Bernard Cornwell.

Who are your role models?

I learn a lot from my family...if I'm paying

If you suddenly had two hours of free time, what would you do?


What is your favorite wall hanging at home?

A Japanese print, Bow Moon, with a crescent moon and waterfall. I can't remember the name or the artist.

What annoys the heck out of you?

I dread breaking into small groups to
discuss things...although it invariably works out well.

If you could live during any period in time and in any place -- when and where? 

Here and now. I'm too much of a historian to have any illusions about other times and places.

Who does the work around your abode?

 Anne and Joe -- 50/50.

Is there any time in your life you wish you could do over? 

What is past is past.

What did you do before you came to Smith?

You mean when dinosaurs ruled the earth?

What single piece of advice would you give to graduating Smithies?

Don't take yourself too seriously.

3/13/07   Compiled by Eric Sean Weld
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