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Ashavan Doyon, student affairs


What do you do at Smith?

I assist the associate dean of international students and scholars and the director of multicultural affairs. I also maintain the student affairs Web pages.

How many years have you been at the college?

Six years next month (but I was here for almost a year as a temp prior to that).

What is your busy season?

I'm actually typically busiest right now (end of May through June), and again in August. Currently I am working furiously on getting the immigration documents to our incoming international students.


Who gets the most face time with you?

The international students, the associate dean, and Meggan Lee, our executive assistant in student affairs, see me most frequently.

What are you reading now?

Nothing, which is highly unusual for me, as I frequently go through at least a book a week. Mostly, I read fantasy and science fiction novels.

What is your favorite movie?

That's hard, because I can't judge different move genres against each other. Probably The Last Unicorn if I had to say over all, but Beautiful Thing tops my list of happy romantic movies.

If you suddenly had two hours of free time, what would you do?

Write. I love to write and participate in National Novel Writing Month every November.

What is your favorite wall hanging at home?

A poster map of Middle Earth that I've had since I was about 6.

What annoys the heck out of you?

Partisan politics and allergies.

Do you eat fast food?

Frequently, I'm afraid to say. It plays havoc with my diet, but Wendy's is a comfort food for me.

Do you consider yourself an urban, suburban or rural person?

Suburban. I greatly dislike the city, but I've lived in truly rural areas and they are just as maddening.

Who are your role models?

The Dalai Lama, for his teachings on compassion and the importance of happiness. My English teacher in high school for fostering a love of writing. My Russian teacher in high school for fostering a healthy tolerance for grammar and an interest in Russian culture. My grandmother for teaching me that real success isn't about money in the bank.

What's your favorite thing about where you grew up?

I moved around too much as a kid to reall say.

What single piece of advice would you give to Smithies?

Take a deep breath and relax.

6/10/08   Compiled by Eric Sean Weld
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