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Submit an Item to eDigest

Smith eDigest is distributed to the entire campus community every Tuesday and Thursday during the academic year and on Tuesdays during the summer.

eDigest will publish items a maximum of three times. Submissions are due by 5 p.m. the day before publication date. Please do not submit a single item for publication more than once.

The eDigest editor reserves the right to edit submissions.
Send all questions or comments to




Headline or name of event:
Make sure your headline describes your item or event.
Example: Panel Discussion to Focus on Middle East.
(PLEASE NOTE: 15 words or fewer)

(word count 15)

Event date:
Please select the date of the event from the popup calendar. You may enter dates manually as well.

Event time:

Event location:
If your event location is not listed, please specify in the description below.

Please state your event in the THIRD person, avoiding the use of 'please join us.' Use proper grammar and spelling; do not use ALL CAPS or exclamation points. Consult the Smith Style Guide for more information. (PLEASE NOTE: limit 100 words)

(word count 100)

Date(s) to run this item in eDigest?
Please select the eDigest dates that you would like this item to run.
Limited to 3 listing dates. Tuesdays/Thursdays only during the academic year; Tuesdays only other times.

Alert the eDigest editor to any special information:

Click the button below to REVIEW your item - you then must also SUBMIT the item on the next page after you review it.