Consultant on Gender- and
Race-Equity to Speak at Smith
Peggy McIntosh, associate director
of the Wellesley Center for Research for Women, will conduct
a teach-in at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 20, at Wright Hall
Auditorium on "Images of Race, Class, Gender and Privilege:
A Personal Account." The event is free, open to the public
and wheelchair-accessible.
McIntosh, who is also founder and co-director
of the National S.E.E.D. Project on Inclusive Curriculum (Seeking
Education Equity and Diversity), consults widely throughout the
United States and the world with college and school faculty who
are creating gender-fair and multicultural curricula.
Her 1989 publication, "White Privilege:
Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack," has been considered by
many to be instrumental in putting the dimension of privilege
into discussions of gender, race and sexuality in the United
McIntosh's talk is sponsored by the
Smith College Office of Multicultural Affairs.
September 14, 2000