Donfried to Lecture on Jesus, Paul
and Judaism
On Monday, April 9, at 4:30 p.m. in
Wright Hall Auditorium, Karl P. Donfried, Elizabeth A. Woodson
1922 Professor of Religion, will close the 2000-01 Smith College
Chaired Lectureship Series with a lecture titled "Shifting
Paradigms: Jesus, Paul and Judaism." A reception will follow
in Wright Hall Common Room. Both the talk and reception are free,
open to the public and wheelchair accessible.
Donfried, who was named to an endowed
chair by the board of trustees last July, joined the Smith College
faculty in 1968 after completing his doctor of theology at the
University of Heidelberg. Ordained by the Lutheran Church of
America in 1963, he has also held visiting professorships at
Hebrew University in Jerusalem, the University of Hamburg, Brown
University and Amherst and Mount Holyoke colleges. He has written
numerous books and articles about the New Testament, Judaism
and Christianity and has lectured extensively throughout the
United States and in Europe and Israel.
Contact: Marti Hobbes, mhobbes@smith.edu
April 2, 2001