- Ruth Bader Ginsburg Receives
First Sophia Smith Award
- Leaving the Lab Doors Open: A Peer Mentoring Program Helps Science Students Stay On Course
- Vocation: Poet
- Introducing the Class of 2001
- Smithellanea: Dodging Flak from Click and Clack
- Commentary: So, What's It Like to Be a Rookie?
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- NewsSmith is published by the Smith College Office
of College Relations for alumnae, staff, students and friends. We welcome
your comments and suggestions; please click
here to send e-mail.
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- Editor: Jan McCoy Ebbets
- Art Director: John Gerard Eue M.A. '94
- Contributing staff: Cathy Brooks, Sally Rubenstone
'73, Ann E. Shanahan '59, John Sippel, Winston Smith
- Cover illustration by Patricia Czepiel Hayes '84
- ...........................
- Smith College Notice
of Nondiscrimination

Perhaps you know her. Kate Zondlo of Morgantown, West
Virginia, is a Smith College first-year. She's already been published in
Newsweek with a "My Turn" essay making the case for treating teenagers
with more respect. She spent the summer before college as a counselor to
junior and senior Girl Scout cadets at a camp in Pennsylvania. She thinks
that after graduating from college, she might join the Peace Corps. But
first she has to get through this little matter of a major life passage:
leaving home and going off to college.
Copyright © 1997, Smith College. Portions of this publication may
be reproduced with the permission of the Office of College Relations, Garrison
Hall, Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts 01063; (413) 585-2170. Last
update: 10/1/97.