Welcoming activists, dissidents, misfits, troublemakers, creatives, queers, radicals, zine people, zine-curious, poets, writers, and faculty to a zine making workshop. Join us as we re-purpose withdrawn government documents and mainstream media, come together as a supportive, empathetic community in a time of chaos, and creatively regenerate strength for the struggle (#SftS).
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
3-5 p.m.
@ the KnowledgeLab, Neilson Library, 2nd floor
Sponsored by: The KnowledgeLab; Neilson Library staff members
Contact: Amanda Ferrara at apferrar@smith.edu
The Smith College School for Social Work welcomes alumna Maria Yellow Horse Brave Heart, Ph.D. '93, who will deliver the annual Lydia Rapoport lecture on "Historical Trauma & Unresolved Grief: Implications for Clinical Research and Practice with American Indians & Alaska Natives" on July 27.
This event is free, open to the public, and wheelchair accessible.
CEUs are available with registration and small fee.
To learn more about the lecture and speaker, follow the link provided below.
For more information, visit http://www.smith.edu/ssw/summerguide_rapoportlecture.php
For the first time this year, the Smith College Lazarus Center for Career Development will be hosting a Virtual Resume Collection and On-Campus Interviews for graduating Master of Social Work students. Employers are posting positions to collect applications for a variety of social work jobs.
Participating employers include:
Bay State Community Services, Inc.
River Valley Counseling Center
Mystic Valley Elder Services
Harlem RBI
Clinical & Support Options, Inc.
South Bay Mental Health Center
West Central Behavioral Health
Behavioral Health Network
Eliot Community Human Services
Apply to as many opportunities as you wish in your E-Access account.
The job title for each position will indicate if the posting is a resume collection only or if the position offers an on-campus interview.
On-Campus Interview postings: Selected candidates will be notified by email to sign up for an interview time through the link on their E-Access home page. Interviews will be held on either July 30th or July 31st at the Lazarus Center.
Resume collection postings: Employers will contact selected students directly to set up a time and location for an interview.
Student Application deadline: Sunday, July 19th 2015.
How to apply:
Sign into your E-Access account. Username is your Student ID (99#) and the password is smith. Instructions are on your home page.
If you need help with your resume, cover letters, uploading documents, or have other questions about applying, please contact the Lazarus Center for Career Development at 413-585-2582.
The Anti-Racism Task Force presents Historical trauma, legacies of racial oppression: Beyond Black and White. This Critical Conversation about Race & Racism will be facilitated by Tanya Greathouse, PhD, LCSW, Marta Sotomayor Fellow and Hye-Kyung Kang, MSW, PhD.
This event will be held on Wednesday, July 29 at 7:15pm in Scales Living Room.
In honor of the 25th anniversary of the ADA, the Students Impacted by Ableism (formerly Disability Awareness Group) is sponsoring a discussion by AndreAs Neumann-Mascis, an SSW faculty member and 2014 Commencement speaker. Neumann-Mascis will discuss the successes and pitfalls of the ADA and its implications for our clinical practice.
The event will be held on Thursday, July 30th, between 5:45 and 6:45 pm in Seelye 201. Refreshments provided!
For information about the 25th anniversary of the ADA, visit: http://www.adaanniversary.org/home.
To learn more about Dr. Neumann Mascis, follow the link below.
For more information, visit http://www.smith.edu/ssw/faculty_msw_neumannmascis.php
Campus Life Rep Shilpa Trivedi will now be hosting a new event focused on Self-Care Arts & Crafts, Crafternoons! The event will be hosted every Wednesday from 2:30 - 4:00 pm in the King House Living Room. A limited number of art supplies will be provided. Feel free to drop in or leave at any time!