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For Seniors & Families

Important Instructions for Graduating Students

Commencement Registration

Graduating students must register for the Commencement ceremony. Only graduating students may register. You will be asked for your name and email address. Once registered, you will receive a custom invitation from Zoom for the ceremony; this individual, unique link should not be shared under any circumstances.

If you have questions, contact

For Families

Viewing the Commencement Ceremony

Families, friends and the broader community will be able to join the ceremony live, without any registration, via Facebook Live. A Facebook account is not required—the stream will be publicly available at at 11:45 a.m. EDT on Sunday, May 17.

Global Illumination Night 2020

On May 16, 2020, Smith College celebrated Global Illumination Night 2020. Consider posting your picture on your own social media using the hashtag #smithilluminates. Explore the Global Illumination map.

From President McCartney

Although extraordinary circumstances prevent us from gathering in person this year, they will not preclude the rightful recognition of your accomplishments. Extraordinary circumstances require an extraordinary celebration, and so it shall be.

Read President McCartney’s Letter to Seniors on April 14, 2020.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will diplomas be mailed?
Diplomas will be mailed to graduates on June 1, 2020. 

How do I register for the Commencement ceremony?
Graduating students must register for the Commencement ceremony. Only graduating students may register. Additionally, all graduates were required to fill out this form by April 29, even if they do not intend to join the livestream ceremony.

How can family and friends watch the ceremony?
A livestream of the ceremony will be available at No pre-registration is required.

Will I be required to use a camera or microphone to participate in the ceremony?

Will the ceremony be accessible or simulcast in other languages?
A live-captioned stream of Commencement with ASL interpretation will be available via Facebook Live at A live, simultaneous translation of the ceremony into Spanish and Mandarin will be available. Viewers can select their language preference on that page. This link is also recommended for guests in China due to restrictions on Facebook access. Please note that there is no pre-registration required for these accessible streams.

How will seniors learn about Latin honors, academic awards and other distinctions?
The 2020 Commencement program will list this information. An electronic version of the program will be made available on the morning of the ceremony at Prizes and a print copy of the program will be mailed to students after the ceremony.

How will I receive my diploma?
Because diplomas cannot be issued until degrees have been officially conferred on May 17, the college will mail diplomas to all graduates following the ceremony. Students whose records are pending completion because of extensions or outstanding Five College grades will receive their diplomas once all degree requirements are met.

Will the ceremony be recorded for later viewing?

Will any honorary degrees be conferred at the 2020 Commencement?
No. We hope to honor the 2020 degree recipients in person at a future date.

Will there be a virtual baccalaureate or Ivy Day?
The 2020 Commencement ceremony will only include elements from Commencement itself.

Contact Commencement Questions


Please contact us for any questions not answered in the FAQ.