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Smith Analytics

The Office of Institutional Research provides leadership in implementing the analytic side of Smith College’s business intelligence initiative, with a goal of developing the institution’s capacity for analytics.

Institutional Research collaborates with senior administrators, managers and technical staff to:

  • Design and deliver analytic reports that support data-driven decision making.
  • Support the development of data sources that provide consistent definitions and quality data: a “single version of the truth.”
  • Identify metrics across departments for reporting to a variety of stakeholders.
  • Develop dashboards and score cards to help improve operational efficiency.
  • Provide training and support to enable managers to use analytic tools to support Smith’s mission and its IT Strategic Plan.
Institutional Research Analytics Dashboard
Institutional Research Trend Analysis

Trend Analyses and Key Metrics

Each year The Office of Institutional Research updates trend analyses of several key metrics about Smith and peer institutions to be used by the Board of Trustees and campus administrators.

Smith College Public Indicators