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Google Apps for Education

Google Apps for Education

Google Apps for Education is Smith's supported platform for email, calendar, contacts and Google drive storage.

To learn more about Google Apps use Google's Learning Center.

You can also use your account, or click the links below for more information.

If you are leaving the college for any reason, download your Google Data

Gmail: Learn how to utilize your Smith Google Mail.

Google Drive: Instructions on how to install Google Drive sync to your Windows or Mac computer.

Google Contacts: Googles Learning Center will show you how to create new contacts, new groups, edit, delete and organize your contacts.

Export: How to export your contacts to share or take them with you.

Google Calendar: Googles Learning Center will show you how to setup events, add reminders, share and view other calendars.

Mobile Calendar Sync: Link to the Google Calendar Sync Settings page to select which calendars will be synced to your mobile device.

Appointments: How to setup Appointment Slots to schedule meetings.

Mobile Device: Guide to setting up Google Apps on your Mobile Device.

Note: Did you know you can add the Smith academic calendar to your Google calendar?

  • Go to your Google Calendar
  • Locate the Add a coworker's calendar field under Other Calendars
  • Enter: academiccalendar

  • Mac users: For instructions to get Academic Calendar for Apple Calendar, click here