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TARA Online Help

TARA Online Help


TARA, the Smith Technology And Resource Adviser, is a collection of technology information and instructions created by the ITS staff for the Smith community.

Not finding what you need? Give us some feedback about your thoughts on TARA.

Update Personal Info for Password Recovery: Please update contact information so you can recover your password.

IT Service Outage: A quick way to check for any known IT service outages is to go to the ITS homepage at . During regular business hours we post status updates there on known issues, as well as other useful information.

Virtual Computing Lab(VCL): Instructions on accessing applications installed on a virtual computer. If your class uses one, here's how to connect.

Bar Fix: The location for the connection to Bar has changed. Here are the steps to verifying the location is correct.

Guest Wireless Access: Select the Connect2Smith wireless network. When prompted for a password enter: sophiasmith

Email Phishing Prevention: Hackers and phishing emails are always looking for new ways to get you to give up your personal and financial information. Don't let your account get compromised.

Graduating Students: Information about what happens to all your Smith accounts after you graduate.


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