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College Corporate Card

The Smith College Corporate Card Program cards are coded for either purchasing expendable supplies or for purchasing supplies and travel and entertainment purposes. Payment is made to the bank by the college; the cardholder does not pay the monthly statement. When purchasing supplies, you can use the card for subscriptions, local stores, online ordering and almost anywhere MasterCard is accepted.

College Corporate Card Rules & Requirements

You must be a Smith employee to be eligible for a corporate card; temporary employees are not eligible.

Only the cardholder whose name is embossed on the card is authorized to use the card and is responsible for ensuring that all charges made with the card are in compliance with these policies and procedures. Card sharing is prohibited.

When using the card for travel, the Controller’s Office Travel and Entertainment (T&E) expense policy applies.

Unauthorized Uses and Unauthorized Items

You may not use the corporate card for the following:

  • Employee gifts, cash advances, prepaid gift cards or personal items
  • Flowers exceeding $25, see Smith Code of Conduct, Gift and Gratuities
  • Cell phones, PDAs, voice/data services (there are a few exceptions authorized by the Controller's Office for pooled phones)
  • Faculty should contact Joshua Parad at for any CFCD related expenses before using the card.
  • Internet or online payment mechanisms such as PayPal and others that do not identify the ultimate payee. You may not fund a PayPal account.
  • Leases
  • Moving expenses
  • Firearms, ammunition or explosives
  • Donations and contributions
  • Fines and penalties
  • Postage—please use Smith College Copy & Print Services and Smith College Mail Services for sending out Smith-related mail.
  • Payments for services, including payments to independent contractors or consultants
  • Personal vehicle expenses, including gas (reimbursement for such costs are made through the mileage reimbursement allowance. Only purchases for College vehicles are permitted on a College Corporate card).
  • The card may not be used at on-campus retail divisions (Smith College Computer Store, Museum Store and Café). When purchasing from an on-campus retail division, please be prepared to provide your org and account code so a journal entry between the two departments can be used to facilitate payment.

Incidental purchases of food and beverages may be made at local grocery stores for department catered luncheons or receptions. However, when an employee is accompanying a visitor or guest, the T&E expense policy posted on the Controller’s website applies to meals or entertainment. See the Controller’s Office website for details on entertainment documentation and accounting procedures.

Refer to the Purchasing Guidelines Grid for appropriate forms of payment according to the cost of services.

  • Unless specifically authorized, single purchase limit must not exceed $5,000 per transaction.
  • Transactions may not be split in order to bypass the single purchase transaction limit. Splitting a transaction to bypass the corporate card limit is a college violation.
  • Number of daily authorizations allowed is 10 transactions per card.
  • Monthly spending limit (to be determined for your account).
  • Some individuals may have additional limits or variances due to work responsibilities or grant guidelines.

Staff and faculty may apply for a card by emailing the following documents to Purchasing or by entering a credit card request in Workday.

1. Please submit the following forms to the Purchasing Office -

Both forms must be signed by you and your direct supervisor.

2. To request a credit card in Workday:

  • In the top of the screen search bar type in create request
  • Click on Create Request under Tasks and Reports
  • In the Request Type dropdown choose Credit Card Request
  • Click OK
  • Describe the Request and upload the College Corporate Card Agreement and Application.
  • Click submit

To activate your card, call the number on the sticker on your card.

Contact JP Morgan

  • Report a lost or stolen card: Call 1-800-316-6056 and follow the prompts.
  • Customer service: Call the number on the back of your card and follow the prompts.
  • Dispute a charge: Call the number on the back of your card and follow the prompts. To resolve a dispute or question a charge, you must call JP Morgan Chase and complete the forms that they send to you within 30 days of the monthly cycle cut date.


Corporate cards may be cancelled if a department or individual does not comply with policies or procedures.


Use of the card for personal purchases is cause for immediate cancellation of the card and possible disciplinary action by the college.

Lost/Stolen Card

Immediately call JP Morgan Chase at 1-800-316-6056 and notify the Purchasing Office if the card is lost or stolen.

Terminated or Transferred Employee

Employees terminating employment or transferring to another department must return any corporate cards in their possession to the Purchasing Office prior to departure or transfer.

Expiration Date

Cards are renewed every two years. The card is automatically terminated at the end of the contract period with the bank.

Corporate Card Violation

Failure to comply with the corporate card policy may result in revocation of the card in your name.

Each College Corporate Card is assigned to an individual user and has a default cost center. Cardholders using the Workday finance expense report management system have the ability to change cost centers and expense items per transaction.

There are several ways to learn about the Workday reconciliations process:

1. Review step-by-step instructions, called job aids, at the Workday Help site (Smith log-in required).

2. Attend a training session. You can sign-up for a session from the Workday Help site.

Each cardholder has 15 days from the end of the month to finish submitting their online expense reports for the preceding month.

Payments that appear on the monthly corporate card statement have already been made electronically to JP Morgan Chase.

Records are maintained in Workday when receipts are uploaded in the system. You are not required to keep paper receipts once they have been uploaded to Workday. Receipts prior to Workday (09/30/2019 and before) should be retained for 7 years.

Document retention policies may differ for grants. Please reference the Grant and Sponsored Program site for these requirements.

If expenses are posted to the card’s default cost center and need to be reclassified, please follow the procedures for processing a Journal Transfer/Entry Form.

The monthly statement is mailed out after the card cycle cut date, which is the 26th of every month.