Studio Use & Hours
The Prototyping Studio is where your ideas come to life! Our studio is open to anyone on campus—students, faculty, and staff. We invite you to explore making and make projects of any kind. If you have an idea, come on in and we can help you get started by teaching you a machine or assisting with problem solving. In the studio, we have laser cutters, a vinyl cutter, sewing machines, and 3D printers. We also collect a whole variety of scrap foam, plastic, cardboard, and many more random knick knacks that encourage sustainable and reuse friendly making.
Take a Tour with DTI
Open Hours
The building is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m on weekdays and during staffed open hours. Studio Design Partners (SDPs), our student staff, are here to help you during their posted open hours: learn how to use tools and equipment, get a tour of our space, or help you with your creative project.
Open hours run into the evenings and weekends; see the schedule below.
Please note that we are closed during holidays and breaks. Access to the facility will not be available during these periods.
Studio Design Partners
Our Prototyping Studio is led by Studio Design Partners (SDPs)—Smithies who embody all things making! They lead design projects, plan creative workshops for the campus, help maintain a safe and creative making environment, teach equipment use, and provide project support during open hours.
Come on in and say hello to the SDPs during their open hours! Look for them in a tie-dye apron.
The DTI is happy to host your club or group in our space, or lend you our workshop supply kits. Please consider using the OSE Resource Room first before booking the DTI, as our limited space prioritizes open studio use.
Please fill out our workshop form and we will email you back with either a confirmation or suggestions if we cannot accommodate your idea or time.