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Candice Price

Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences; Codirector, Postbaccalaureate Program

Candice Price


Burton Hall 312


Born and raised in California, Candice Price has a bachelor’s degree (2003) in mathematics from California State University, Chico, and a master’s degree (2007) from San Francisco State University. She earned her doctoral degree (2012) in mathematics from the University of Iowa under the advisement of Isabel Darcy. Her primary area of mathematical research is DNA topology, that is, knot theory applied to the structure of DNA, but she has research interests in the broad area of applied mathematics.

Her service mission is to support those underrepresented in STEM by creating and supporting programs that increase visibility and amplify the voices of women and people of color in STEM, while creating networks and community in STEM to provide opportunities to share resources.


Ph.D., University of Iowa
M.S., San Francisco State University
B.A., California State University, Chico

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