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Symptoms & Reporting

Symptoms & Reporting

Every member of our community reporting to work or living on campus will be expected to monitor their health on a daily basis and report symptoms to their health provider as quickly as possible. This is a vital, shared responsibility.

Remote Support Resources Available

At a time when Smith students can’t be together on campus, Smith is committed to providing equitable, inclusive, dynamic services. Please visit the Remote Support Resources website for information on remote academic and personal support.

Check Your Symptoms Daily

Do you have any of the following?

  • Fever or feeling feverish (chills, sweating)
  • Cough
  • Mild or moderate difficulty breathing
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle aches or body aches
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • New loss of taste or smell

If you replied YES to any of the questions:

If you are an employee:

Step 1: Stay home or go home.
Step 2: Contact your primary care provider.
Step 3: Follow the directions of your primary care provider.
Step 4: Call your supervisor.
Step 5: Complete this confidential form to notify the Schacht Center.

If you are a student on campus:

Step 1: Stay in your room.
Step 2: Call the Schacht Center at 413-585-2250.

If you replied NO to all of the symptoms, please continue your day as usual.

Review the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) COVID-19 Daily Self Checklist for the latest information about symptoms.

In Case of Exposure to COVID-19

Please refer to the informational charts below if you have tested positive for COVID-19 or have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

Case Information Can I Come to Work? Do I Need to Be Tested? Whom Do I Notify? Where Do I Go for Care?
You tested COVID-19 positive
You have been tested by your doctor and are informed you test positive.
No. You will need to self-isolate at home until instructed to stop by public health officials. If you have already tested positive, you do not need to be tested again. Call your immediate supervisor and email Human Resources. Submit the Concern Check-In Form to inform the Schacht Center. Your healthcare provider will manage your health needs.*
A household contact tests positive
Someone you live with, a roommate, significant other.
No. You should self-quarantine and follow these CDC guidelines. Stay home from work for at least 14 days. Yes. You need to be tested. Call your immediate supervisor and email Human Resources. Your healthcare provider will manage your health needs.*
A close contact tests positive
Someone with whom you spent more than 10 minutes in close contact and were within 6 feet of since the day they developed symptoms OR a positive case who coughed on you or whose respiratory secretions or saliva you contacted directly.
No. You should work from home until your healthcare provider or local public health department can determine the case details and gives you instructions. Yes. You need to be tested. Call your immediate supervisor and email Human Resources. If no symptoms occur, you do not need care. You should self-monitor your health for 14 days.
Coworker, friend or casual contact tests positive
Someone you were not within 6 feet of for more than 10 minutes or with whom you shared secretions.
Yes. You can work as long as you do not have any symptoms and you were not a close contact (see above). Not unless you have symptoms. No notification needed unless you become ill. If no symptoms occur, you do not need care. You should self-monitor your health for 14 days.
Friend of a friend tests positive
You were in contact with your friend but not the person who tested positive.
Yes. You can work as long as you do not have any symptoms. Not unless you have symptoms. No notification needed unless you become ill. If no symptoms occur, you do not need care.

*If you are a Smith College employee, please contact your own healthcare provider for your health needs.

Schacht Center staff may collect essential public health information regarding employees who are ill. Please consider completing the COVID-19 Concern Check-In Form to inform the Schacht Center, which will assess the implications for the Smith community.

  • Be assured that any personal information shared with the Schacht Center will be held in confidence. Any action taken regarding the employee’s personal information will be in consultation and accordance CDC guidelines.
  • After completing a form to notify the college, any updates that you wish to provide in an effort to keep our Smith community healthy and safe should be directed to the Schacht Center email to with the subject line “COVID follow up.”
Case Information Can I Circulate on campus? Do I Need to Be Tested? Whom Do I Notify? Where Do I Go for Care?
You tested COVID-19 positive
You have been tested and are informed you test positive.
No. You will need to self-isolate in designated housing until instructed to stop by public health officials and the Schacht Center. If you have already tested positive, you do not need to be tested again. Call the Schacht Center at 413-585-2800 and contact the Residence Life staff. The Schacht Center will be contacting you twice daily and monitoring your health needs. You should be in self-isolation on or off campus.
A household contact tests positive
Someone you live with, a roommate, significant other.
No. You should self-quarantine and follow these CDC guidelines. Stay in designated housing until instructed to stop by the Schacht Center. Yes. You need to be tested. Call the Schacht Center at 413-585-2800 and contact the Residence Life staff. The Schacht Center will advise you.
A close contact tests positive
Someone with whom you spent more than 10 minutes in close contact and were within 6 feet of since the day they developed symptoms OR a positive case who coughed on you or whose respiratory secretions or saliva you contacted directly.
No. You should self-quarantine in your campus residence until otherwise notified by the Schacht Center. Yes. You need to be tested.     Call the Schacht Center at 413-585-2800. The Schacht Center will advise you.
Coworker, friend or casual contact tests positive
Someone you were not within 6 feet of for more than 10 minutes or with whom you shared secretions.
Yes. You can circulate as long as you do not have any symptoms and you were not a close contact (see above). Not unless you have symptoms. No notification needed unless you become ill. If no symptoms occur, you do not need care. You should self-monitor your health for 14 days.
Friend of a friend tests positive
You were in contact with your friend but not the person who tested positive.
Yes, you can circulate as long as you do not have any symptoms. Not unless you have symptoms. No notification needed unless you become ill. If no symptoms occur, you do not need care. You should self-monitor your health for 14 days.

Please note: All off-campus students should reach out to their primary care physician. It is not necessary to report to the college if you have not been on campus.

The Schacht Center is available for students by telephone and Zoom for medical visits and appointments. If you are a student, please call The Schacht Center at 413-585-2800 for guidance and to make arrangements to be seen if needed.

Schacht Center staff may collect essential public health information regarding students who are ill. Be assured that any personal information shared with the Schacht Center will be held in confidence. Any action taken regarding the student's personal information will be in consultation and accordance with CDC guidelines.