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Mountain Day

Today is Mountain Day! Classes and academic appointments scheduled before 7 p.m. are canceled. Evening classes, films, lectures, and other events will be held as planned.

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Get Election Ready!

Join professors Loretta Ross and Carrie Baker, along with the Smith Roundtable Group, for "Calling in for Human Rights and Democracy: A Consideration of Project 2025."

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Initial Operating Mode

Initial Operating Mode

From arrival through the end of the second week of classes, the campus will operate in a one-time mode (blue) to allow all arriving students to clear isolation/quarantine in accordance with state guidelines. At the end of this period, the college will move to the appropriate operating mode.

Current Status: GREEN
Summary COVID rates on campus are low and do not appear to be increasing.
Residential Life On-campus students may visit other on-campus students’ rooms and houses (limited to two guests in residential room). Kitchens available via sign-up, common spaces available during designated hours. Food and grocery delivery drivers may not enter building; recipient must meet delivery driver outside.
Dining Open, limited internal seating.
Learning Mode In-class and remote
Testing Regular testing required for all students, on-campus faculty and staff.


Residence Life Operating Mode

Traditional Housing Students may not visit other houses or rooms. Kitchens and common spaces closed. Food and grocery delivery drivers may not enter buildings; recipient must meet delivery driver outside.
Ada Comstock Scholars and Graduate Students in On-Campus Apartments Students may not visit other residences. Common spaces closed. Food and grocery delivery drivers may not enter buildings; recipient must meet delivery driver outside.
Off-Campus Undergraduates, Ada Comstock and Graduate Students in Testing Program Students may only access testing site or Schacht Center for Health and Wellness.

Student Life Operating Mode

Off-Campus Travel Students must remain on campus. They may only travel up to 1 mile from campus for work or to purchase essential commodities (e.g., groceries and medicine). Students may not visit any off-campus residences or participate in off-campus social gatherings of any kind.
Students should limit outside interactions as much as possible in the week following their arrival on campus. Time spent outside of a student’s individual room should only include essential tasks such as meal or medication pickup and solo outdoor activities.
Dining Grab-and-go only, for those on the meal plan.
Visitors No external visitors allowed in campus buildings; two non-Smith guests arriving from low-risk states may accompany students into residence hall during the assigned move-in period. Visitors are required to wear a mask over their mouth and nose and physical distancing must be maintained.
Campus Center Limited hours and services available.
Campus Center Café Closed.
Meetings / Gatherings / Student Activities & Affinity Groups Some Campus Life programming in small groups (e.g., orientation).
Testing Center Open to those in the testing program.
Medical Services from the Schacht Center Open for remote care for students residing in Mass. Open for in-person care for students living on and off campus within a 10-mile radius.
Counseling Services from the Schacht Center Remote with exceptions for crises.
Disability Services Remote with exceptions for crises.
Olin Fitness Center and Athletics Facilities Available for approved varsity athletic team use. Get Fit Smith classes will be offered remotely.
Athletics (Varsity) All varsity teams will follow NCAA “resocialization” program. Student-athletes will be divided into small groups for practice/workout sessions limited to 10 people. Local off-campus student-athletes will be grouped separately from on-campus student-athletes. Athletics trainers will implement a daily screening process of all student-athletes and related personnel in addition to testing, which will be recorded. Masks will be worn at all times, including during practice sessions. Lockers available, no showers available. The squash courts will be converted into athletics training space. Appointment system will be used.
Outdoor Athletic Facilities Outdoor tennis courts and track are available to anyone who carries a current Smith OneCard. Priority given to athletics program use. No community passes available.
On-Campus Employment Remote positions are available. Limited in-person student employment for essential functions.
Off-Campus Employment Students in-residence on-campus with an off-campus job or internship may work up to one mile from campus.
Campus Van Use (Access Van and Off-campus Program Transportation) Smith’s access van services will be on pause for the spring semester. Individual students’ needs will be managed by the Office of Disability Services with the support of Campus Safety.
Campus vehicles will not be available for student use. College-sponsored and employee-sponsored activities requiring vehicle travel are not permitted.

Isolation & Quarantine Periods

(Positive cases)
10 days
(Close contact to a positive case)
10 days

(provided individual is asymptomatic and returns to screening program on day 11)

Testing Operating Mode

Student Testing Pre-arrival test or quarantine for high-risk states. All students tested upon arrival. Testing three times per week for both on-campus and approved, local off-campus students until further notice.
Faculty/ Staff Testing All employees need permission prior to accessing campus buildings. No testing required for 0-1 visit per month; Weekly testing required for 2 times per month up to once weekly visits to campus; Twice weekly testing for anyone on campus twice a week or more often.

Academic/Research Functions Operating Mode

Faculty Offices Any access to campus facilities, for any purpose, even for a short duration, requires completing the return to campus form and being granted approval.
Classes Remote only.
Advising/Office Hours Remote only.
Instructional Gatherings/Group Tutorials Remote only.
Faculty Labs Available to faculty and staff. Individual on-campus student researchers with permission of adviser or mentor.
Shared Academic Support Spaces (Labs, Studios, Maker Spaces) Available to faculty and staff. Individual on-campus student researchers with permission of facility coordinator.
Academic Support Functions (Jacobson, Spinelli, etc.) Remote only.
Noninstructional Gatherings Remote only.
Integrative Centers (Jandon, Lewis, CEEDS, Lazarus, Wurtele, Conway) Remote only.
Registrar's Office Remote only.
Faculty Research Travel College-sponsored travel suspended.
Field Trips Not permitted.
Libraries Material pick up available with approved access to campus. Meetings remote only.
Computing Labs Drop-in computing labs are not available.
Collections (Museum, Botanic Gardens) Remote only.
Visitors No visitors allowed in campus buildings. Campus facilities open only to Smith community approved to access campus.

Administrative Functions Operating Mode

Administrative Staff/Offices Remote work if possible. Any access to campus facilities, for any purpose, even for a short duration, requires completion of the training and tasks, as well as completing the return to campus form and being granted approval.
Essential Operational Staff (Dining, Facilities, Botanic Garden, Museum) On campus.
Meetings/Gatherings Remote only.
Travel College-sponsored travel suspended.
Admissions Remote only.
Athletic Facilities and Fields Outdoor tennis courts are available to anyone who carries a current Smith OneCard. No community passes available. All other facilities are closed to faculty and staff.
Olin Fitness Center Closed to faculty and staff. Get Fit Smith classes available remotely.
Campus Center Cafe Closed.
Visitors No external visitors allowed in campus buildings.
Vendors and deliveries See vendor policy.

Public Functions Operating Mode

Campus School By SCCS Plan.
Center for Early Childhood Education By CECE Plan.
MacLeish Field Station Outdoors open to public.
Public Facing (Museum, BG, Libraries, Conference Center) Closed to the public.
Outdoor Gardens/Campus Grounds Open.

Building Access Operating Modes


Academic/Administrative with OneCard Access (Unstaffed)

Burton Hall OneCard access 8 a.m.-10 p.m. on weekdays. Faculty and staff office-holders, OneCard access anytime.
Ford Hall OneCard access 8 a.m.-10 p.m. on weekdays. Faculty and staff office-holders, OneCard access anytime.
McConnell Hall OneCard access 8 a.m.-10 p.m. on weekdays. Faculty and staff office-holders, OneCard access anytime.
Bass Hall OneCard access 8 a.m.-10 p.m. on weekdays. Faculty and staff office-holders, OneCard access anytime.
Sabin-Reed Hall OneCard access 8 a.m.-10 p.m. on weekdays. Faculty and staff office-holders, OneCard access anytime.
Hillyer Hall OneCard access 8 a.m.-6 p.m. on weekdays. Faculty and staff office-holders, OneCard access anytime.
Sage Hall OneCard access 8 a.m.-10 p.m. on weekdays.
Seelye Hall OneCard access 8 a.m.-10 p.m. on weekdays.
Capen Annex (Design Thinking) Open to Design Thinking staff only.
47 Belmont (Dance) Open to faculty and staff.
Dawes Administrative Offices Open to faculty and staff.
Green (Box) St. Annex Library staff only.
Tilly Hall (Emeriti Offices) Closed.
Davis Center Closed.
Alumnae Gym Closed.

Academic/Administrative with OneCard Access (Staffed)

Neilson Library See hours on the Libraries site.
Campus Center See hours on the Office of Student Engagement site.
Athletic Facilities See hours on the Smith Pioneers site.
Schacht Center for Health and Wellness See hours on the Schacht Center for Health & Wellness site.

Academic/Administrative with Key Access (Unstaffed)

Mendenhall Hall Open to key holders only.
Wright Hall Building open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. on weekdays.
College Hall Open to key holders only.
Clark Hall Building open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. on weekdays.
Hatfield Hall Building open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. on weekdays.
Hatfield Hall Building open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. on weekdays.
Dewey Hall Building open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. on weekdays.
Pierce Hall Building open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. on weekdays.
Facilities Management and Public Safety Open to key holders only.
10 Prospect St. Open to key holders only.
Tyler Annex Open to key holders only.
8 College Lane Open to key holders only.
138 Elm St. Open to key holders only.
Morgan Hall (closed except to key holders) Open to key holders only.
Lilly Hall Open to key holders only.
30 Belmont Ave. Open to key holders only.
John M. Green Hall (closed except to key holders) Open to key holders only.
Lyman Plant House (closed except to key holders) Open to key holders only.
Museum of Art Open to key holders only.
Stoddard Hall (closed except to key holders) Open to key holders only.
Kahn Institute Open to key holders only.
Helen Hills Hills Chapel Open to key holders only.