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Fall Study Abroad, May 21, 2020

Fall Study Abroad, May 21, 2020

Dear students, staff, faculty and parents:

In light of ongoing health and safety challenges around the world related to COVID-19, we have made the difficult decision to suspend study abroad for the coming fall semester.

The safety and wellbeing of our community was the paramount factor in reaching this decision. At this point, we do not have the public health information necessary to assure us that we can keep you safe on Smith-sponsored study and travel abroad, nor the confidence that travel restrictions would not impede your return home if needed.

We know that many of you have been waiting patiently for word on a decision regarding fall study abroad and we appreciate your patience and good will during this waiting period. We hope that this decision will provide clarity in your planning.

We have made no decisions about spring study abroad and will continue to monitor global developments. Students who had planned to study abroad this fall and would like to change their program term to spring 2021 are invited to do so at this link. Staff in the Office for International Study look forward to answering your questions and discussing your options.

While Smith will not be sending students abroad this fall, the college remains deeply committed to educating students for global citizenship. We recognize that global perspectives are critical to addressing the challenges facing communities around the world. The Lewis Global Studies Center will continue to work with faculty and campus constituents to ensure that Smith’s long history of global engagement is active and vibrant throughout our curriculum.


Susan Etheredge ’77
Dean of the College and Vice President for Campus Life

Michael Thurston
Provost and Dean of the Faculty