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Rescheduling Of Fall 2020 Registration, April 6, 2020

Rescheduling Of Fall 2020 Registration, April 6, 2020

Dear students, staff and faculty,

The Offices of the Provost and Dean of the Faculty and the Registrar would like to announce that registration for the fall 2020 semester has been rescheduled for Monday, April 20–Friday, May 1, due to disruptions caused by the transition to remote learning and broader concerns about curricular continuity in light of the spread of COVID-19.

Fall registration was initially rescheduled for April 13 to allow students and faculty more time to focus on the resumption of spring classes. Registration will now be postponed an additional week, until Monday, April 20. Registration will begin with rising seniors (21, 21J) on Monday, April 20, and will proceed according to the registration schedule on the Office of the Registrar website. Students can verify their updated time slots on BannerWeb.

Postponing registration will allow departments and programs more time to review and, if necessary, revise fall course offerings, and will provide students more time to plan their schedules and be in contact with their faculty advisers. All students intending to register for the fall 2020 semester must obtain their registration code from their faculty adviser.

In light of the changing situation, the posted course offerings may be revised more significantly than in past semesters. Changes to course offerings made in Banner will be reflected immediately in the BannerWeb class search (available via the Smith portal) and the Catalog Course Search. Students are strongly encouraged to review up-to-date course listings periodically over the next two weeks and verify their intended courses shortly before their scheduled registration time. Students will be able to submit Five College course requests beginning Monday, April 13, but approved courses will not be added to students’ registration until after April 20.

We thank Smith students and faculty for their patience and understanding as we respond to these unprecedented challenges. If you have questions regarding this change or other registration-related issues, please contact the registrar’s office via email (, which our staff continues to monitor during normal business hours.

With best wishes,

Michael Thurston
Provost and Dean of the Faculty
Helen Means Professor of English Language and Literature

Gretchen B. Herringer