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Letter to Students, March 11, 2020

Letter to Students, March 11, 2020

Dear Smith College Residential Students,

As information about COVID-19 continues to develop, we will send you regular updates in regards to housing and residence life as we acquire new information.

Below are important details as you make plans to depart campus. Please read thoroughly.

  • Requesting financial assistance for making travel arrangements
    • We recognize that travel arrangements can be a financial burden for many students. If the cost of travel prohibits you from leaving campus or is a significant financial burden for you, you can request assistance by completing COVID 19 Financial Assistance Travel Request Form found here.
  • Spring Break Travel Plans
    • If you are granted permission to stay on campus after March 20, we strongly discourage you not to travel during Spring Break. The purpose of shifting to remote learning is to help mitigate the risk of COVID-19 spreading. Traveling and then returning to campus to stay defeats the purpose of these changes.
    • If you are not staying on campus after March 20 and are leaving for Spring break prior to Sunday 3/15 but are unable pack/remove all of your belongings before leaving--please be in touch with the Department of Residence Life at You must return your room key to Clark Hall before leaving campus for Spring Break. We will make arrangements for you to pick up your belongings from your room once you have finished traveling. You will not be permitted to spend the night on campus when picking up your belongings so please make arrangements otherwise. This will need to be completed no later than April 5.
  • Social events on campus
    • We understand students are going to want to "celebrate" with friends before they leave campus. We want to make sure everyone in our community is safe. Please remember if you are having any kind of house gatherings for seniors, you can not have people from outside of your house. In addition, alcohol can neither be provided at these events nor consumed in common spaces. We want you all to enjoy your communities and to make sure everyone is safe. Please watch out for each other and be safe!
  • Guest Policy
    • Students who remain on campus are not permitted to have guests. No non-Smith visitors will be permitted in campus houses. Family members assisting with move-out will be permitted until March 20, 2020.
  • Parking
    • If you have a car that you need to leave on campus for an extended period of time (longer than a week), please park the car on the top level of the parking garage. You are parking your car on campus at your own risk. If necessary, you can leave your car in the parking garage though the end of the summer.
  • Transportation
    • The Valley Transporter has reached out to us to make sure students are aware they can provide transportation to the airport or other mass transit locations. For more information visit their website here.
  • Clark Hall weekend staffing (3/14 and 3/15)
    • Clark Hall will be open on Saturday and Sunday this weekend from 9am-5pm. During these open hours you can:
      • Pick up boxes
      • Drop off keys
      • Speak to a staff member about any questions you might have
      • Call Clark Hall at 413-585-4940
  • Smith Cycle
    • Smith Cycle (the end of year recycling program) is happening. For more information please follow this link.
  • Mail
    • Mail Services is requesting that all students verify their current mailing address. If changes need to be made, please email This will ensure that all First-class mail received after your departure is forwarded to the correct address. Please review the guidelines on the Smith College Mail Services website for additional information.
    • If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Mail Services at or call (413) 585-4156.
  • Storage
    • Senior Storage (If you are unable to remove all of your belongings prior to March 20th). Seniors are asked to store their items in the JMG storage room. You will have until July 1st to retrieve your items. Items that remain after July 1st will be donated. JMG storage will be open today (3/12) from 1-3pm and Friday of this week and Monday-Friday next week. The hours when JMG storage will be open will be posted here by the end of the day on 3/12.
    • 54 Green Street Storage Residents of 54 Green Street can store their belongings in JMG storage. JMG storage will be open today (3/12) from 1-3pm and Friday of this week and Monday-Friday next week. The hours when JMG storage will be open will be posted here by the end of the day on 3/12.
    • Trunk rooms are unlocked. Please recognize that there is limited space in the trunk rooms. Trunk room guidelines state that each student can store up to 5 items. We recognize that there are extenuating circumstances where students need to store between 1-5 additional items. Please use this privilege responsibly and sparingly. All items stored must abide by trunk room guidelines which you can find here:
    • We will not be distributing trunk room stickers. All items must be labeled with the following information: Name, class year, current date, date you intend to retrieve belongings. Smith College is not responsible for any missing or damaged items left in trunk rooms.
    • We STRONGLY encourage students to consider off-campus storage options. Our preferred vendor is Boomerang Storage with whom we have already coordinated a rough plan about off-campus storage logistics. You can find more information about Boomerang Storage here:
    • Boomerang Storage can store items, as well as ship items to whatever address you need them to be shipped. Please see their website here:

Information is ever changing and we encourage you to look at the COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions page for up to date information. Thank you for your continued cooperation as we transition to our alternative learning communities. If you have general questions about Smith College’s COVID 19 response, please email or housing related questions to

Take Care,

Hannah Durrant
Director of Residence Life