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Appreciation for the Year Just Ended

Presidential Letters 23–24

Published June 20, 2024

Dear Friends,

The academic year has drawn to a close—papers have been written, tests have been taken, and grades have been handed in; meals have been prepared and enjoyed; the campus grounds have seen fall’s colors, winter’s quiet, and spring’s bloom; and Commencement and Reunion festivities have concluded. New traditions have begun, from the mundane though pleasant (First Tuesdays) to the heart-pounding extraordinary (here’s looking at you, Smith basketball!).

Alongside all of the many accomplishments you achieved this year, there were expressions of deep emotion as world events brought home to us the havoc that violence wreaks. And though there were many different perspectives on its roots, there was also a coming together around the tragedies and a repugnance of violence used as a political tool, not only in Israel and Palestine but the world over. That we are not unanimous in our analyses of the catalysts of such violence and the roles we believe we should each play is not an issue. When anger and sorrow reveal themselves as frustration and disagreement, it is a reflection of our engagement, empathy, and insistence on the humanity of our fellow human beings.

One of our greatest charges as members of an educational institution that also strives to be a genuine community is to remain passionately engaged while continuing to be curious when we’re sure that we’re right, and to be respectful of fellow students and community members whose lived experiences and opinions may be very different from our own. As I reflect on all that has happened in this year, I know that our commitment at Smith to discourse and to the inquiry encouraged by the liberal arts enables us to not only express our anger and our views but seek common ground, remaining in relationship even when—and perhaps especially when—we disagree. It is also clear to me that our dedication to scholarship, to community, and to constructive conversation is the most sustainable of the energies in which we’re currently investing, fueling us as we strive to create together a world that includes and respects everyone.

Now it is summer, and I encourage you to use these months to take deep breaths, be outside, consider something from a new perspective, and imagine what’s next. Wishing you a restorative season!

President Sarah