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Smith College Commencement 2021

Presidential Letters

Published April 2, 2021

Dear seniors and families,

I am very pleased to announce that we will be inviting all seniors to campus for an in-person Commencement. Families and friends will be invited to join in the celebration online.

While this year’s Commencement ceremony will look somewhat different—requiring pre-testing, masking and physical distancing—it will be no less joyous or memorable. The day before Commencement will feature the traditional Senior Candle-Lighting event, Senior Dinner and campus Illumination. Following the Commencement ceremony, we will host a Senior Luncheon, where graduates can continue to celebrate with friends. More details can be found on the Commencement webpage.

Class of 2021, you have persevered through a challenging time—particularly your final three semesters—with resilience and adaptability. I am committed to fully honoring your accomplishments, as safely as possible. Together, we will make this event a celebration worthy of all that you have achieved.


Kathleen McCartney