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February 15-21

February 22-28

March 1-7

Featured Event

Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Indigenous Protest and Revitalization in the Northeast
February 18, 2013
Part of the Environmental Knowledge, Indigenous Knowledge, Local Knowledge Lecture Series. Come hear Lisa T. Brooks, Associate Professor of English and American Studies at Amherst College, and Author of “The Common Pot: The Recovery of Native Space in the Northeast” discuss how traditional ecological knowledge influenced and impacted the history of Native protests and revitalization in New England. How can a deeper understanding of indigenous histories help us understand the environmental and social justice issues we face today? Professor Brooks will explore historical examples of Native protest and revitalization from the tidal rivers of the Wabanaki coast to the inland trade route of Kwinitekw (the Connecticut River) in order to illustrate the deep roots that acts of environmental protest have in New England, while posing challenging questions for both Native and non-Native inhabitants today. Join us for a reception in CC 102 following the lecture.
Campus Center 103/104
4:30 pm

Events at Smith

Garden Festivals & Other Spaces: Art, Materials & Technology in Landscape Architecture
February 18, 2013
with Carolina Aragon, Artist; Visiting Lecturer Smith College Landscape Studies Program; Visiting Lecturer University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Landscape Architect and Regional Planner.
Wright Hall, Weinstein Auditorium
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Info session about jobs with U.S. PIRG and MassPIRG
February 19, 2013
February 20, 2013
More about MASSPIRG: We work in federation with U.S.PIRG, a nation-wide network of state-based public interest advocacy groups and this year we are hiring 100 graduating college students for our jobs here in Massachusetts and across the country. We work on a range of public interest issues, from protecting and improving public health to making college more affordable and working for more and better public transportation, including high-speed rail. Contact Lindsay Jakows, MASSPIRG Campus Organizer for more information. or 602-989-3283

Beyond the Bubble: Speaking Up in the World Follow-Up Writing Workshop
February 19, 2013
A follow-up writing workshop with local writer Heather Abel. She'll help participants keep going on the op-eds that they begin.
Campus Center, Room 103/104
4:00 pm to 5:30 pm

Bike Kitchen General Interest Meeting
February 20, 2013
The Smith College Bicycle Kitchen is holding a general interest meeting, for any interested future bike mechanics!! You do not need to have any prior experience with bikes, just an interest in learning! Bicycle Kitchen provides semester-long bike rentals to students on Smith campus, as well as Open Fix'n Hours twice a week for anyone who needs free mechanical assistance on their bike! The Bicycle Kitchen wants YOU to help us continue to provide cheap, sustainable transportation for Smith campus, as well as a maintain a safe space for Smithies to explore the wonderful world of bike mechanics!
Basement of Talbot House
2:30 pm

Meet Rally Day medalist and prominent zoologist and field biologist Kay Holecamp ('73)
February 20, 2013
Join us on February 20 for Kay's lecture "Effects of human disturbance on African carnivores" about her work studying spotted hyaenas in Africa for over 20 years. These animals have a complex social organization which allows for the study of gender roles in social systems. Stay after the talk for tea and conversation with Kay about conservation of carnivores, working in Africa, professional and career choices, and more. bring your questions! Tea and refreshments served.
McConnell Foyer / 103
4:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Beyond the Bubble: Speaking Up in the World Training
February 15, 2013
The OpEd Project will offer a training for students, staff and faculty from Smith and Mount Holyoke Colleges. The OpEd Project is a group from NYC that aims to get the voices of women and underrepresented minorities into the mainstream media. The workshop will happen at Mount Holyoke, but we will provide free transportation, snacks and lunch. Students can apply at by February 8th.
Mount Holyoke
12:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Northampton Winter Farmer's Market
February 16, 2013
Local music, food, and your community.
Basement of Thornes Marketplace, 150 Main Street
9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Featured Event

Field Station Friday!
February 22, 2013
Join us on one of our regular trips to Smith's Ada and Archibald MacLeish Field Station! Hike the trails, relax outside, or explore the newly opened environmental building. Space is limited. The van leaves from the annex road between Chapin House and the Campus Center at 12:30 p.m. Friday and returns from the MacLeish Field Station to Smith College at 4:00 p.m. or 5:00 p.m.- depending on the day's participants. Sign up using the link below!
MacLeish Field Station
12:30 pm

From the Poles to the Deep Ocean: Corals Living and Thriving in Cold Waters
February 25, 2013
As part of the Life Sciences Colloquium Series, Dr. Rhian Waller will come to speak on campus. Waller is an Assistant Research Professor at the University of Maine Darling Marine Center. The event is hosted by Paulette Peckol. Refreshments will be served.
McConnell 103
4:30 pm

Events at Smith

Bike Kitchen Spring Rentals
February 24, 2013
Bicycle Kitchen is starting spring bike rentals!! Rentals are $20 a semester, or 4 hours of work trade throughout the semester. Please come to the Bicycle Kitchen space on the designated days if you are interested!!
Basement of Talbot House
1:00 pm

Can Landscape Architecture Fuse Nature and Culture?
February 25, 2013
a talk by Jon Piasecki, Owner, Golden Bough Landscape Architecture, West Stockbridge, MA. This talk is part of the 2013 spring LSS 100 lecture series.
Wright Hall, Weinstein Auditorium
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Come Hear Rhian Waller Speak about the Darling Marine Center
February 26, 2013
The Darling Marine Center is the marine laboratory of the University of Maine in Walpole, Maine. Rhian Waller is the Assistant Research Professor at the University, and Education Coordinator for the Darling Marine Center. Learn about courses and research opportunities.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
12:00 pm

Leveraging Design
February 26, 2013
Bill Wilson, FAIA is a principal at Wilson Architects which designed the Life Science Laboratories 1&2 and is designing the Physical Sciences Building. His designs are guided by the understanding of human behavior and have a quality of remarkable openness with a sense of collaboration and collegiality."Designing for Occupants" is a 2-part lecture series brought to you by The Green Building Committee, a subcommittee of the Chancellor's Sustainability Committee (formerly EPAC).
Campus Reading Room
4:00 pm to 5:30 pm

Bike Kitchen Spring Rentals
February 28, 2013
Bicycle Kitchen is starting spring bike rentals!! Rentals are $20 a semester, or 4 hours of work trade throughout the semester. Please come to the Bicycle Kitchen space on the designated days if you are interested!!
Basement of Talbot House
4:30 pm

Earth Week Committee Meeting
February 28, 2013
The committee is meeting to plan Earth Week. Have an idea or event you want to host for Earth Week? Want to help plan and organize general Earth Week events? Come and join us!!
CEEDS, Wright Hall
7:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Northampton Winter Farmer's Market
February 23, 2013
Local music, food, and your community.
Basement of Thornes Marketplace, 150 Main Street
9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Swedish Polar Landscapes with Tyrone Martinsson,
February 25, 2013
Landscape photographer and researcher, guest artist scholar at Hampshire College. View his large-scale polar photographs.
Hampshire College, Main Lecture Hall, Franklin Patterson Hall
7:00 pm

The Conflict in Syria
February 27, 2013
Part of the Five-College faculty panels on understanding current conflict. A panel discussion with: Prof. Omar Dahi, School of Critical Social Inquiry, Hampshire College, and Prof. Mary Wilson, History Dept., UMass Amherst. Sponsored by the Five College Program in Peace & World Security Studies.
Franklin Patterson Hall, West Lecture Hall, Hampshire College
7:30 pm

Featured Event

Field Station Friday- help us make maple syrup!
March 1, 2013
Last week we worked together to tap some of our trees at the MacLeish Field Station and now we'd love your help gathering and boiling the sap into syrup! Today we'll be heading to the Field Station in vans, leaving at 1:00PM from the service road between Chapin and the Campus Center. When we get there we'll be emptying buckets and learning from our neighbor Mr. Bean how he turns the sap into syrup. We'll be back on campus by 4PM. Space is limited. Reserve your spot by emailing us at:
Van leaves/returns from service road by Chapin
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Environmental Justice Teach-in
March 2, 2013
Join us to hear about the issues of environmental justice from a variety of perspectives- from the local to the international. Speakers to-date include Jan Dizard, Charles Hamilton Houston Professor in American Culture (Sociology)and Chair of Environmental Studies, Amherst College; Paul Wetzel, Environmental Research Coordinator, and Co-director, Environmental Concentration: Sustainable Food, CEEDS, and Keynote Speaker Majora Carter, an internationally renowned urban revitalization strategy consultant, real estate developer, and Peabody Award winning broadcaster. Brought to you by your house Sustainability Reps, and sponsored by the Office of Environmental Sustainability with support from the Student Government Association, the Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity, the Center for Community Collaboration, and CEEDS.
Stoddard Hall Auditorium
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Events at Smith

Exhibition-- From Petals to Paper: Poetic Inspiration from Flowers
March 1, 2013
A display of contemporary poetry inspired by the beauty of nature, selected by student interns at the Smith College Poetry Center, Janan Scott '13 and Liliana Farrel '13. Poets represented in the exhibit include Li-Young Lee, Jean Valentine, and Louise Glück. Janan Scott is a senior majoring in African-American studies, with a concentration in poetry. Liliana Farrel, also a senior, is an English Language and Literature major, with a minor in Film Studies, and a concentration in poetry. Both have been working for the Poetry Center for two years. As stated by Scott and Farrel, "the shapes, colors, smells and textures in this stunning array of blooming are reflected in poetry's rhythms, sounds, and images".
Church exhibition Gallery
8:30 am to 4:00 pm

New Trees for the Landscape: From Plant Exploration to genetic Manipulation
March 1, 2013
New landscape trees enter the market every year. How do they come to be? During Michael Marcotrigiano's sabbatical leave, he visited several facilities across the United States that develop and introduce new trees for the American landscape. He will give an overview of the origin of new trees and what trees you should expect to see in your nursery in the coming years. Reception to follow in Lyman Plant House.
Campus Center Carroll Room
7:30 pm

The Botanic Garden of Smith College Spring Bulb Show
March 2, 2013
A spectacular array of crocuses, hyacinths, narcissi, and tulips provide an early glimpse of spring. View the magic of 5000+ bulbs blooming simultaneously in the Lyman Conservatory!
Lyman Conservatory
10:00 am to 4:00 pm

The Necessity for a Well-Designed Public Space
March 4, 2013
lecture by Lynden Miller, Public Garden Designer, New York, NY. This talk is part of the 2013 spring LSS 100 lecture series.
Wright Hall, Weinstein Auditorium
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Senior Architecture Exhibition
March 4, 2013
March 5, 2013
March 6, 2013
March 7, 2013
Come enjoy the exhibition and then join us for a reception at 7:00 p.m. on March 7th. The exhibit includes work by students in the architecture and landscape studies programs.
Jannotta Gallery, Hillyer
7:00 pm

SEA Semester Visit to Smith
March 5, 2013
Elizabeth Dorr, Admissions Counselor for SEA Semester, will be in the Campus Center promoting the program. Sea Education Association in an undergraduate ocean education program that allows student to live at sea while conducting research.
Campus Center
10:00 am to 3:00 pm

Green Team meeting!
March 5, 2013
Green Team is Smith's student-led coalition dedicated to fostering sustainability at Smith. Green Team meets every other Tuesday in CEEDS, which is on the garden-level of Wright Hall. Bring your lunch and join us! All members of the Smith Community are welcome.
Center for the Environment, Ecological Design, and Sustainability
12:00 pm

Green team- Fossil Fuel Divestment Committee meeting
March 5, 2013
Can't make it to our lunchtime Green team meetings but want to make a difference in the future of our planet? One way we are working to fight climate change is by trying to get Smith to divest its endowment investments from the fossil fuel industry. We'd love your help! All welcome.
Center for the Environment, Ecological Design, and Sustainability
6:30 pm

Earth Week Planning Meeting
March 7, 2013
Are you in an org/club that wants to host an event during Earth Week? Are you a student interested in teaching your peers about something green? Are you good at organizing events and want to have fun? Then come to the Earth Week planning meeting.
CEEDS, Wright Hall
7:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Northampton Winter Farmer's Market
March 2, 2013
Local music, food, and your community.
Basement of Thornes Marketplace, 150 Main Street
9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Film Screening: Fish Meat: Choose Your Farm Wisely
March 6, 2013
Andy Danylchuk, Assistant Professor of Fish Conservation at UMASS, will introduce the film and answer questions about the ecological issues surrounding fish farming.
Mount Holyoke College, Kendade 305
7:00 pm

Lecture: Corporate Polluters vs Planet Earth: Activism in an Age of Ecological Collapse
March 6, 2013
with Kert Davies, Research Director of GreenPeace. Davies is a Kert Davies is a graduate of Hampshire College and a relentless investigator of corporate environmental malfeasance. He was one of GreenPeace's front-line responders to the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and has been active in efforts to block oil drilling in the Arctic.
Hampshire College Franklin Patterson Hall, Main Lecture Hall
7:00 pm