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April 19-25

April 26- May 2

May 3-9

Featured Event

Earth Week Music Festival
April 19, 2013
Join us for music, food, and fun activities. Check out our blog for performer details, specific performance times and more...
Chapin Lawn
5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Afternoon at the Field Station
April 20, 2013
In celebration of Earth Day, pack your lunch and head out to Smith’s Ada & Archibald MacLeish Field Station in West Whately for a presentation on research and design projects. Enjoy your picnic lunch and hike on student designed and built trails that lead you past an 1800s-era homestead, a lead mine that dates back to the Revolutionary War and a large vernal pool. Hosted by the Smith College Club of Franklin County. The event is free and directions will be provided. Please RSVP to Lynn Reynolds at 413-367-2425 or
MacLeish Field Staion
11:00 am

Weed Walk with Blanche Cybele Derby
April 25, 2013
Blanche Cybele Derby is a local wild food expert and the author of several works about the art of wild edible foraging. She will lead an edible weed walk about campus starting at CEEDS. Rain date is April 26, same place, same time.
CEEDS, Wright Hall
4:30 pm

Events at Smith

Tree Planting
April 19, 2013
Join the Botanic Gardens in planting trees for spring!
Lyman Plant House
3:00 pm

Permaculture at UMASS-Amherst
April 22, 2013
Helena Farrell, MLA, Ecological Landscape Planning & Design, Regenerative Design Group, Greenfield, Massachusetts. This talk is part of the spring LSS 100 lecture series.
Wright Hall, Weinstein Auditorium
2:40 pm

To license or not to license-
April 25, 2013
A panel discussion for those potentially entering the architectural profession,sponsored by WMAIA (West Massachusetts American Institute of Architects)
Graham Hall
6:30 pm

Events Off Campus

A Conversation on America's Future: Joe Scarborough and Jeffrey Sachs
April 19, 2013
Speakers: Joe Scarborough , Host, MSNBC Morning Joe; Jeffrey D. Sachs , Director, The Earth Institute, Columbia University.The Earth Institute presents "A Conversation on America's Future: Joe Scarborough and Jeffrey Sachs."Open to the public. Registration required.
Columbia University, Morningside Campus, Miler Theatre
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm

Earth Day Festival 2013: Student Fair and Concert
April 22, 2013
Join UMass Amherst student, faculty, and staff as we demonstrate our commitment to a healthy, sustainable, campus on April 22, Earth Day!
UMASS Amherst, Goodell Hall, Lawn
12:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Earth Day 2013 Keynote Address: Annie Leonard and the Story of Stuff
April 22, 2013
The UMass Amherst Campus Sustainability Initiative is excited to announce the Earth Day 2013 Keynote Address, film screening, and book signing with Annie Leonard, an international expert in sustainability and environmental health issues. Annie Leonard's documentary, the world renowned, animated film “The Story of Stuff,” has single-handedly transformed complex issues into understandable challenges and has been viewed by audiences all over the world over 10 million times. “The Story of Stuff” exposes the connections between a huge number of environmental and social issues, and calls us together to create a more sustainable and just world. Tickets will be available beginning February 2013. Pick-up locations TBA.
Stockbridge Hall, Bowker Auditorium, UMass Amherst
7:00 pm to 9:30 pm

HerbFest 2013
April 23, 2013
HerbFest 2013, the University of Massachusetts’ annual celebration of herbs, spices, and medicinal plants, is scheduled for Tuesday, April 26, in the Student Union Ballroom on the University campus from 11:30 am until 1:30 pm. This free event, sponsored by students in the class Herbs, Spices, and Medicinal Plants, is the concluding event for the semester and features student demonstrations and presentations on a wide variety topics related to the history, culture, and traditional and modern uses of herbs,spices, and medicinal plants. A display of popular herb plants is a major focus of HerbFest.
Student Union Ballroom, UMASS Amherst Campus
11:30 am to 1:30 pm

April 23, 2013
with Dr. Bruce Molnia, USGS. Come and meet a government expert on glacial retreat and climate change, and learn more about the USGS. Followed by pizza dinner for all in Beneski Room 100. Find out more about Bruce Molnia, and his research, at:
Pruyne Lecture Hall, Fayerweather Hall, Amherst College
5:00 pm

Featured Event

FINAL SP13 Field Station Friday
April 26, 2013
We'll have a variety of activities for you, from raking out an apple orchard and "picking rocks" from the future Chestnut Orchard site, to populating the building and surrounding spaces for architectural photography. The trails are open, you could have a fire in the fire pit if you'd like, and we'll just generally be having a great time on what looks to be a beautiful sunny Friday afternoon. Vans will leave Smith from the Chapin loading dock at 12:30PM and return by 4PM or so. Please RSVP to to or go to the link below to reserve a space!
MacLeish Field Station
12:30 pm

Poster-board presentation for JUD 125: Jewish Civilization: Topic Environmentalisn
May 1, 2013
Come see what students have to share about their journey discovering the intellectual, spiritual and activist vocabulary shared by the world of religion and the world of environmental discourse.
Seelye 207
2:40 pm to 5:00 pm

ES&P Honor's presentations
May 2, 2013
Seniors presenting are, in order or presentations: Anna Mokros-"De-Constructing Construction: The Role of Environmental Standards in the Building Sector"; Christina Goethel-"Effects of Elevated pCO2 on the Calcification and Morphological Characteristics of the Coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi: Implications of Ocean Acidification"; Sabrina Camboulives-"I'm A Farmer Too: Valuing Women Farmers in the Pioneer Valley." Lunch provided on a first, come first served basis.
Campus Center 103/4
11:00 am to 1:00 pm

Events at Smith

Garden Imperialism: The British in India
April 29, 2013
LSS 100 Annual Lecture in Honor of Mitia Sawhill given by Eugenia Herbert, Professor Emeritus of History, Mount Holyoke College; Author of "Flora's Empire: British Gardens in India". This talk is part of the 2013 spring LSS 100 lecture series.
Wright Hall, Weinstein Auditorium
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

ENV 312 Capstone presentations
April 30, 2013
Join us to hear from the final two student groups on their research projects. Pizza lunch served.
CC 103
12:00 pm

Green Team meeting!
April 30, 2013
Green Team is Smith's student-led coalition dedicated to fostering sustainability at Smith. Green Team meets every other Tuesday in CEEDS, which is on the garden-level of Wright Hall. Bring your lunch and join us! All members of the Smith Community are welcome.
Center for the Environment, Ecological Design, and Sustainability
12:00 pm

Lecture: A 6,000 Year Hurricane Record from the Bahamas--Implications for Climate and Humans,
April 30, 2013
Past and Present with Lisa Park Boush, Program Director, SGP/EAR/GEO The National Science Foundation. Lunch provided. Sponsored by Sigma Xi.
McConnell 103
12:00 pm

Discussion: Navigating the NSF, a conversation with Lisa Park Boush,
April 30, 2013
Program Director, SGP/EAR/GEO, The National Science Foundation. What is it like to work at the National Science Foundation? What does NSF fund and how are funding decisions made? This will be a broad ranging discussion of the National Science Foundation that will include information about new programs and initiatives at the Foundation and how to best participate in them. A brief question and answer period will follow. Indian Food will be served at 6 p.m. in McConnell Foyer; event starts at 7 p.m.
McConnell Hall B05
6:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Information Sessions at the Conway School:
May 4, 2013
graduate programs in sustainable landscape planning and design. At the information session you will meet the school’s director and humanities professor, as well as get to see the campus. It will be a great time to ask questions and see how the school operates. The program includes: • Conway’s whole systems approach to sustainable land use planning and design; • Profile of the year, starting with the fall orientation trip through graduation requirements; • Presentation of current student work, and a look at past residential, community and regional projects; • The application process and federal financial aid requirements; • An opportunity to speak informally with students, alums, faculty, and staff.
The Conway School, 332 South Deerfield Rd, Conway, MA
10:00 am to 1:00 pm

Outdoor Gardening Classroom
May 5, 2013
Get your hands dirty and celebrate spring! Come with your gardening questions to UMass Permaculture Franklin Garden (in front of Franklin Dining Common). Various stations with demonstrations and interactive workshops on compost, seeding and transplanting, sheet mulching and more! All ages welcome. Co-sponsored by Grow Food Amherst and the UMass Permaculture Intiative.
Franklin Dining Commons, Permaculture Garden, UMASS Amherst Campus
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm