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March 29- Apr 4

April 5-11

April 12-18

Featured Event

Liquid Futures: Sustainable Design in a Globalized Setting
April 2, 2013
Interdisciplinary event with artists and designers from The Netherlands, Italy, the Five Colleges, and the local region. At the Smith Conference Center: panel discussion 2-4 p.m.; reception with low water footprint buffet, River of Words Art, and water-themed music 4-5 p.m.. At 205 Hillyer: Film Screening of "Tambien La Lluvia" (2010) by Iciar Bollain, 7-9 p.m. This is a low carbon footprint event. If you are able, walk, cycle, or take public transport to the venue. For pedicab ride from JMG bus stop, e-mail
Smith Conference Center
2:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Events at Smith

Maverick Impossible: James Rose and the Modern American
April 1, 2013
lecture given by Dean Cardasis, Professor and Graduate Program Director, Rutgers University; Director James Rose Center for Landscape Architecture Research and Design, Leverett, MA. This talk is part of the 2013 spring LSS 100 lecture series.
Wright Hall, Weinstein Auditorium
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Green Team meeting!
April 2, 2013
Green Team is Smith's student-led coalition dedicated to fostering sustainability at Smith. Green Team meets every other Tuesday in CEEDS, which is on the garden-level of Wright Hall. Bring your lunch and join us! All members of the Smith Community are welcome.
Center for the Environment, Ecological Design, and Sustainability
12:00 pm

Green team- Fossil Fuel Divestment Committee meeting
April 2, 2013
Can't make it to our lunchtime Green team meetings but want to make a difference in the future of our planet? One way we are working to fight climate change is by trying to get Smith to divest its endowment investments from the fossil fuel industry. We'd love your help! All welcome.
Center for the Environment, Ecological Design, and Sustainability
6:30 pm

Events Off Campus

Northampton Winter Farmer's Market
March 30, 2013
Local music, food, and your community.
Basement of Thornes Marketplace, 150 Main Street
9:00 am to 2:00 pm

People and Plants: Illustrations by Blanche Cybele Derby
April 1, 2013
April 4, 2013
Forbes Library will be displaying illustrations by Blanche Cybele Derby from April 1st to April 30th. There will be a reception on April 6th, 2-4pm. Gallery Hours: Monday 9-9 ; Tuesday 1-5 ; Wednesday 9-9 ; Thursday 1-5 ; Friday & Saturday 9-5 ; closed Sundays and holidays.
Hosmer Galley, Forbes Library, Northampton

Lecture: Silent Spring and the Gift of Good Land
April 2, 2013
Craig Nicolson presents "Silent Spring and the Gift of Good Land." The talk places two authors in conversation, he says, comparing the far-reaching impact of Rachel Carson's 1962 book "Silent Spring" with the essays of author-farmer-novelist Wendell Berry, whose "influence is very significant, but not nearly as widely known."
Campus Center Auditorium, UMASS Amherst
6:30 pm

Vincent Scully: An Art Historian Among Architects
April 3, 2013
Part of the Spring 2013 Architecture Through Film Series. Vincent Scully is an art historian who has influenced architecture for years. This film explores his life and considers the connections between his love of art, literature, and architecture. The film will be followed by discussion. Free and open to the public.
Room 113, Fayerweather Hall, Amherst College
6:30 pm

Events at Smith

Permaculture at UMass-Amherst
April 8, 2013
with Helena Farrell, MLA Ecological Landscape Planning & Design, Regenerative Design Group, Greenfield, MA. This talk is part of the 2013 spring LSS 100 lecture series.
Wright Hall, Weinstein Auditorium
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Green team- Fossil Fuel Divestment Committee meeting
April 9, 2013
Can't make it to our lunchtime Green team meetings but want to make a difference in the future of our planet? One way we are working to fight climate change is by trying to get Smith to divest its endowment investments from the fossil fuel industry. We'd love your help! All welcome.
Center for the Environment, Ecological Design, and Sustainability
6:30 pm

Events Off Campus

Workshop: Thinking Critically About Knowledge, Power and Food Activism
April 8, 2013
A Half-Day Workshop with Panels, a Light Meal, and Lively Conversation Food activists broadly agree that there is an intimate relationship between the political system of corporate capitalism and the dominant forms that agriculture and food distribution take in the contemporary United States, which are characterized by monoculture, reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and glaring inequities in access to nutritious foods. If problematic political systems produce unsustainable and inequitable agriculture and food systems, what are the alternatives? Can changes in political and social relations produce better agricultural practices and access to food? And from the other direction, might novel approaches to farming and food distribution actually foster more democratic and equitable social relationships? This workshop will offer presentations from local scholars and activists engaged in answering such questions using cases from afar and from right here at home.
Cape Cod Lounge, UMASS Amherst Campus Center
10:00 am to 1:30 pm

2nd Annual MA Student Sustainability Roundtalbe
April 9, 2013
Join students from colleges and universities across the state sharing the work they have been doing in collaboration with faculty, staff and administration to increase campus sustainability! Welcome address by Hampshire President Jonathan Lash (former Director of World Resources Institute) Interactive Student Poster Presentations Discussion of Proposals from the Five College Blue Sky Brainstorm Networking Opportunities Internships and Resource Table Keynote Speaker: Kevin Doyle, President of Green Economy Tour of Div III Student Nara Williamsʼ On-Campus Tiny House Organized by: MA Schools Sustainability Coordinators Roundtable (MSSCOR), Second Nature, and Hampshire College Contact Rick Reibstein ( or Beth Hooker ( for additional information.
Red Barn, Hampshire College
9:00 am to 4:00 pm

The Public and Private Ethics of Climate Change
April 10, 2013
with John Broome, Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Part of the lecture series "Climate, Nature and the Frontiers of Ethics" organized by the Amherst College department of philosophy and funded by the Forry and Micken Fund in Philosophy and Science.
Pruyne Lecture Hall, Fayerweather 115, Amherst College
4:30 pm

People and Plants: Illustrations by Blanche Cybele Derby
April 11, 2013
Forbes Library will be displaying illustrations by Blanche Cybele Derby from April 1st to April 30th. There will be a reception on April 6th, 2-4pm. Gallery Hours: Monday 9-9 ; Tuesday 1-5 ; Wednesday 9-9 ; Thursday 1-5 ; Friday & Saturday 9-5 ; closed Sundays and holidays.
Hosmer Galley, Forbes Library, Northampton

Showing:"Solutions to the Demise of the North American Prairie"
April 11, 2013
Renowned writer William Least Heat-Moon described the American prairie as “the center of our national identity.” Shockingly, what little that remains of the tall-grass prairie now is being plowed up to plant more corn and soybeans in response to record grain prices. In a bold and innovative experiment, EcoSun Prairie Farms, a nonprofit South Dakota corporation, is reversing this trend by transforming a corn and soybean farm to one with restored prairie and wetlands as a means of demonstrating how to make a living from grassland while protecting and improving the environment. This seminar documents the highs and lows of ecological farming by examining the challenges of grassland restoration and the search for new income streams to make prairie farming sustainable and attractive to producers.
Fayerweather Hall, Pruyne Lecture Hall, Amherst College
4:00 pm to 6:30 pm

Featured Event

Showing of A Fierce Green Fire
April 15, 2013
Based on the book of the same titled, by Philip Shabecoff, this documentary follows the environmental movement in five acts. It focuses on different movements that sparked change; starting with the 1960's and the Sierra Club to the current public debate of climate change. Featuring David Brower, Lois Gibbs, Paul Watson, and Bill McKibben. Narrators include Meryl Streep and Van Jones.
Weinstein Auditorium, Wright Hall
7:00 pm

Municipal Recycling Tour
April 16, 2013
Do you know where Smith's recycling goes? It ends up at the Springfield Municipal Recycling Center. Want to take a tour? RSVP Leaving from Annex Road, between Chapin and the Campus Center at 1:00 pm.
Springfield, MA
1:00 pm to 2:45 pm

Tour of Smith's Co-generation Plant
April 18, 2013
Join us in a tour of Smith's co-generation plant. Learn about where your electricity and heat come from and see some pretty awesome stuff. We will be meeting at CEEDS at walking over as a group. Please wear closed toed shoes. RSVP to ecervant@smith.ed
Meeting at CEEDS
10:30 am

Presentation of the Landscape Studies Minor
April 18, 2013
Please join us to discuss the unlimited possiblitities within the Landscape Studies Program. The Landscape Studies Program links art and architecture with literature, science, and engineering in an exploration of our relationship with the environment. Anne Whiston Spirn, landscape architecture at MIT, will join us for lunch. Pizza will be served.
The Green Box, Room 202
12:00 pm

Events at Smith

Earth Week Lunchtime Tabling
April 15, 2013
Different clubs, organizations,and students will be tabling each day during Earth Week. There will also be fun activities, such as free Pedal People rides and a Trash Audit.
Chapin Lawn
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Nature, Design and Recovery in the Post-Industrial Landscape
April 15, 2013
lecture by Niall Kirkwood, Professor of Landscape Architecture, Center for Technology and Environment, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University Cambridge, MA. This talk is part of the 2013 spring LSS 100 lecture series.
Wright Hall, Weinstein Auditorium
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Join Bike Kitchen for a Ride
April 15, 2013
Bike Kitchen will be leading a bike ride around the Northampton area. All skill level welcomed. Meet in the basement of Talbot House. Please make sure to bring water.
Basement of Talbot House
3:00 pm

Green Team meeting!
April 16, 2013
Green Team is Smith's student-led coalition dedicated to fostering sustainability at Smith. Green Team meets every other Tuesday in CEEDS, which is on the garden-level of Wright Hall. Bring your lunch and join us! All members of the Smith Community are welcome.
Center for the Environment, Ecological Design, and Sustainability
12:00 pm

Hands-On Vegan Foods
April 16, 2013
Tired of dining hall food? Ready for a study break? Come check out the Raw Vegan Workshop with Pete and Amy from Organic Trek, in conjunction with Smith College Earth Week. Please RSVP
Helen Hills Hills Chapel
6:00 pm to 8:30 pm

Ford Green Roof Top Tour and Tea
April 17, 2013
Did you know that Ford Hall has a green roof? Green Team will be hosting a tour of Smith's green roof and serve refreshments.
Ford Hall, Top Floor
4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Events Off Campus

Cultivating A New Food Economy: Putting People and Planet First
April 13, 2013
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the barrage of negativity surrounding our food systems? Daily we are made aware of food-related problems damaging our economy, our health, and our earth. This summit will engage participants in critical analysis, cooperation, and innovation through a day-long series of speakers, workshops, and community connectivity. This interactive and engaging event will take place on April 13th at Tufts University, presented in conjunction with the Tufts UEP Practical Visionaries Workshop and the New Economics Institute. The summit will showcase Boston-based leaders, organizations, and businesses that are leading the way. Please join us for a day of discussion about our food, our economy, and our planet. Keynote Speaker: Frances Moore Lappe
Tuft University, Medford, MA
8:30 am to 4:30 pm

A Strategy for Sustainable Development in the United States
April 17, 2013
The Earth Institute presents the Annual Sachs Student Lecture, "A Strategy for Sustainable Development in the United States," with Jeffrey D. Sachs, Director, The Earth Institute; Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development; Professor of Health Policy and Management, Columbia University and Special Adviser to the United Nations Secretary-General Ban-ki Moon on the Millennium Development Goals.Speaker: Jeffrey D. Sachs, Director, The Earth Institute, Columbia University. Open to the public. You can also join via on-line webcast.
Columbia University, Morningside Campus, The Rotunda, Low Memorial Library
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Lecture: Judy Wicks, Entrepreneur, Activist & Founder of White Dog Cafe
April 17, 2013
Judy Wicks is an author, speaker and mentor working to build a more compassionate, environmentally sustainable and locally based economy. Judy's new book "Good Morning, Beautiful Business" is a memoir about the evolution of an entrepreneur who would not only change her neighborhood, but would also change her world-helping communities far and wide create local living economies that value people, nature and place more than money.
Art Building, Gamble Auditorium, Mount Holyoke College
7:00 pm

People and Plants: Illustrations by Blanche Cybele Derby
April 18, 2013
Forbes Library will be displaying illustrations by Blanche Cybele Derby from April 1st to April 30th. There will be a reception on April 6th, 2-4pm. Gallery Hours: Monday 9-9 ; Tuesday 1-5 ; Wednesday 9-9 ; Thursday 1-5 ; Friday & Saturday 9-5 ; closed Sundays and holidays.
Hosmer Galley, Forbes Library, Northampton

Gardening 101: An Introduction to Growing Vegetable and Herbs
April 18, 2013
A free introductory workshop on how to get started growing vegetables and herbs in your yard, patio, or windowsill, as a means of creating a more sustainable life. Offered in partnership with Grow Food Amherst. Location: Amherst Town Hall 4 Boltwood Place 2nd Floor Town Room Amherst, MA 01002
Amherst Town Hall
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Understanding Current Conflict: The Crisis in Korea & Northeast Asia
April 18, 2013
The Five College Program in Peace & World Security Studies Presents: A Faculty Panel with: Prof. Calvin Chen, Politics Dept., Mount Holyoke College Prof. Jina Kim, East Asian Studies, Smith College Prof. Michael Klare, Peace & World Security Studies, Hampshire Free and open to the public.
UMASS Amherst, Thompson 106
7:30 pm