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February 2-8

February 9-15

February 16-22

Featured Event

Lecture: Pig farms, highways and gold mining: how where you live matters for your health
February 3, 2014
Join us for lunch and a lecture by the first of four candidates visiting campus for a position with the Environmental Science and Policy Program.
McConnell 103
12:15 pm

Tinydance Interest Meeting- Engineers for a Sustainable World
February 4, 2014
Project Description: ESW is working to design and fabricate a stage for a variety of dance works made for small, sustainable spaces. The stage will be pulled by bike performance venues and can be set up entirely with hand tools. The project includes working with Kelly Silliman (Dance MFA '13), Celebrations, and The Smiffenpoofs. ESW projects are open to people of all majors! If you're interested, email Alex Julius at
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Lecture: Legumes and Legislation: Models in Science and in Policy
February 6, 2014
Join us for lunch and a lecture by the second of four candidates visiting campus for a position with the Environmental Science and Policy Program.
McConnell 103
12:00 pm

Divest Smith College general interest meeting
February 6, 2014
Divestment from the fossil fuel industry is an investment in our future. Smith College can continue its legacy by being pioneers in environmental justice. Join us to discuss the importance of climate action, the fossil fuel divestment movement, and how it fits in at Smith. There will be treats!
Seelye 107
8:00 pm

Events at Smith

5 College Geology Lecture
February 4, 2014
5 College Geology Lecture
Case Study room
7:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Life Sciences and Technology Fair
February 7, 2014
Smith College is hosting our annual Life Sciences and Technology Fair for students from life sciences, engineering, psychology, math and computer science. The fair features employers offering internships and full–time positions. This fair hosts a variety of science-related technology and engineering organizations who will speak to students about full time and internship positions. Limited spaces available. Register today!
Smith College Campus Center Carroll Room
3:30 pm to 6:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Benefit Concert for South Hadley Food Pantry
February 2, 2014
Music for one piano four-hands performed by Dana Muller and Gary Steigerwalt, including Josef Rheinberger’s compelling Sonata in C Minor; Six Epigraphs Antiques of Claude Debussy; Francis Poulenc’s witty Sonate; and Maurice Ravel’s colorful four-hand version of his own Rapsodie espagnole. All are encouraged to bring a canned good or monetary donation to benefit the South Hadley Food Pantry.
Mount Holyoke College, McCulloch Auditorium
4:00 pm

Lecture: Syria- Prospects for Peace: Implications for U.S. Foreign Policy
February 4, 2014
A presentation by Prof. Omar Dahi, professor of economics, Hampshire College. With additional comments by prof. Michael Klare, Five College professor of peace & world security studies. Free and Open to the Public
East Lecture Hall, Frankling Patterson Hall, hampshire College
7:30 pm

Laura Cruikshank: Crafting a Life in Architecture and Planning
February 8, 2014
Laura Cruikshank is Master Planner and Chief University Architect at the University of Connecticut where she will oversee the move of UConn’s West Hartford campus to downtown Hartford. Previously the Master Planner at Yale University, she is a graduate of Mount Holyoke College, class of 1975.
Mount Holyoke College, Pratt Hall
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Featured Event

Lecture: Conservation in a Crisis: Assessing Marine Management Effectiveness in Madagascar
February 10, 2014
Join us for lunch and a lecture by the third of four candidates visiting campus for a position with the Environmental Science and Policy Program.
McConnell 103
12:15 pm

Lecture: From double losers to innovative players: Rethinking adaptation to climate change
February 13, 2014
in Sub-Saharan Africa. Join us for lunch and a lecture by the final candidate visiting campus for a position with the Environmental Science and Policy Program.
McConnell 103
12:00 pm

Events at Smith

LSS 100: Landscape, Design, and the Environment lecture
February 10, 2014
Anne Spirn, Landscape Architecture and Planning, M. I. T.
Weinstein Auditorium, Wright Hall
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

"Gender-STEM" Identity Compatibility Among Women Scientists
February 10, 2014
with Bonita London, Associate Professor of Social and Health Psychology, Stony Brook University. Dr. London's research focuses on how people respond to their academic and social contexts based on their social identities as well as their own sense of skill and competence. Dr. London's research focuses on how people respond to their academic and social contexts based on their social identities as well as their own sense of skill and competence.
Seelye 106
5:00 pm to 6:30 pm

Engineers for a Sustainable World interest meeting
February 12, 2014
Engineers for a Sustainable World develops leadership and design skills while working towards a sustainable future. Participation comes in many forms, through projects, field trips, round table discussions, workshops, and more! Come to our interest meeting to learn about what ESW does -- all majors are welcome and tea snacks will be provided.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Divest Smith College Meeting
February 13, 2014

Seelye 107
8:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Physics Seminar
February 11, 2014
Dr. Aleks Diamond-Stanic of the University of Wisconsin-Madison will give a seminar titled "The Universe Needs Feedback: Problems with the Cosmic Fuel Supply." Tea/cookies will be served before the talk, at 4:15 p.m.
Amherst College, Morrill Science Center, 204
4:45 pm to 6:00 pm

Eric Cook: Think with Your Hands
February 11, 2014
Yestermorrow/UMass Semester in Sustainable Design/Build Eric Cook is the Director of Semester Programs at Yestermorrow Design/Build School and adjunct faculty at UMass Amherst. He has engaged the Design/Build arena in both academia and the private sector and revels in the realization that our hands are a rightful part of the design process.
UMass Fine Arts Center, room 463
5:30 pm

Table: State Public Interest Research Group (US PIRGS/Mass PIRGS)
February 12, 2014
Campus Organizer: 2014-2015 Job Description Every day, powerful people are making decisions that affect our health, our safety and our future. In Civics 101, we're taught these decisions should be based on the public interest: that's how a government of the people, by the people, and for the people is supposed to work. Yet in the real world, on issue after issue, we see powerful interests corrupting the democratic process, twisting public policy to serve their own ends, all too often at the public's expense.
Amherst College, Keefe Campus Center
11:00 pm to 2:30 pm

Ervin Zube lecture
February 13, 2014
by John Lipman President, Lipman Development Strategies, LLC. ; Project Manager, Jay Cashman,Inc. Light refreshments will be served.
Procopio Room, 105 Hills North, UMASS
4:00 pm

Lecture: Evaluating the Effects of Unpaved Roads on Water quality
February 14, 2014
and Channel Morphology in Northern New England: Implications for Policy and Management by Dr. Beverley Wemple of the University of Vermont.
Morrill 129, UMASS
3:30 pm

Special film screening: Students and Goliath
February 14, 2014
followed by a discussion with local film-maker Alex Leff. Students & Goliath is the story of a generation waking up,becoming energized, and taking the climate crisis into their own hands. Despite heavy opposition, students find community and empowerment to do what the United States government has continually failed to: act on climate change. Students & Goliath follows the divestment campaigns of five schools: Amherst College, Hampshire College, Mt. Holyoke College, Smith College, and the University of Massachusetts, capturing a burgeoning movement that now engulfs colleges nationwide.
Media Education Foundation (60 Masonic Street) Frances Crowe Community Room
7:00 pm

Conference: Sustainability: Systems and Solutions
February 15, 2014
For more information and to register for this April 17th event, visit the web site listed below.
UMASS Lowell Conference Center

Featured Event

Lecture; Why Shall I Stop Eating Pork?: Eating Together in Difference
February 20, 2014
Dr. Rahel Wasserfall from Brandeis University is a multifaceted anthropologist who is currently writing a book entitled “Eating Together in Difference: Stories of Food, Tolerance and Religion”. The book explores the boundaries of tolerance of a religiously diverse and international group—through the lens of the food they eat and the table-fellowship they create during their two week-meetings over several years. The book investigates the connections between religious belonging, conviviality, and the toleration of ‘others.’ It addresses this critical question, of burning relevance in so many states and societies today: When and how does accommodation of religious difference promote understanding; when and how a backlash?
Seelye 201
5:00 pm

Events at Smith

LSS 100: Landscape, Design, and the Environment lecture
February 17, 2014
The Mitia Sawhill Lecture Mark Mack, UCLA and practicing architect: EASY LIVING or how a Smithie Changed the Course of Modern Architecture in California.
Weinstein Auditorium, Wright Hall
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

CSO Community Education lunch with Nuestras Raices
February 20, 2014
Changed to 2/20. Come learn about volunteering with Nuestras Raices, a grass-roots non-profit organization that promotes human, economic, and community development in urban communities through the creation of community gardens. Free pizza and salad! Questions? Email or call x2793.
Wright Hall 013
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Divest Smith College Meeting
February 20, 2014
Come learn about and discuss fossil fuel divestment at Smith College!
Seelye 107
8:00 pm

Field Station Friday!
February 21, 2014
Join us at Macleish field station for maple sap collection. Visit the Bechtel Environmental Classroom, and explore the surroundings!
Meet at Chapin Annex parking lot
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Wildlife Conservation Lecture
February 18, 2014
Understanding the individual in Wildlife Conservation: How Animal Welfare Science Can Save Endangered Species Liv Baker '98, Ph.D. Cosponsored with Biochemistry
MHC, Cleveland L-2
4:30 pm to 6:00 pm

The Five Mindfulness Trainings: building a culture of sustainability
February 18, 2014
Led by Michael Ciborski, Founder and Dharma Teacher at Morning Sun Community. (Morning Sun is in East Alsted, NH, and is an intentional community and center for meditation, sustainability, and social justice in the tradition of Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh.)
7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

Interfaith Lunch
February 19, 2014
Weekly interfaith lunch at MHC. People of all belief systems and philosophies are welcome! Soup, Salad, Bread, & Gourmet Cookies (vegan friendly). This week's conversation is climate-justice themed.
MHC Eliot House Lounge
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Cooperative Enterprise and Social Change: A Conversation with Equal Exchange
February 19, 2014
Join us for a film screening and conversation with Equal Exchange to learn about how your coffee impacts the lives and land of people here and abroad! Equal Exchange is a Fair Trade company whose mission is to build long term trade partnerships that are economically just and environmentally sound, to foster mutually beneficial relationships between farmers and consumers and to demonstrate, through their success, the contribution of worker co‐operatives and Fair Trade to a more equitable, democratic and sustainable world. Fair trade chocolate and coffee will be served.
Mount Holyoke Dwight 101
5:00 pm

Physics Seminar
February 20, 2014
Dr. Christopher Landee of Clark University will give a talk. Title TBA. Tea/cookies served before the talk at 4:15PM
Merrill Science Center, 204
4:45 pm to 6:00 pm

Real Food Challenge: Pioneer Valley Regional Strategy Retreat
February 21, 2014
February 22, 2014
The Real Food Challenge is hosting a Regional Strategy Retreat for university students within the Pioneer Valley! Around 40 students and veteran organizers will converge for a powerful weekend of community-building, workshops, and storytelling. This retreat is for any student who wants to learn more about organizing and campaign strategy in order to build student power and cultivate food justice on their campus! A $35 registration fee will give you a place to sleep all weekend, dinner on Friday and three meals on Saturday and Sunday, and of course the opportunity to create and become a part of this Pioneer Valley support network. You can register here!
UMass Amherst
9:00 am to 5:00 pm