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February 23- Mar 1

March 2-8

March 9-15

Featured Event

Panel to Discuss Smith’s Endowment and Fossil Fuels
February 24, 2014
A panel of investments professionals, including Alice Handy, CEO of Investure, the firm that manages Smith’s investments; trustee Margaret Eisen ’75, chair of the Smith College Investment Committee; and Bob Litterman, chairman of the risk committee at Kepos Capital and a noted speaker on the pricing of carbon emissions and climate risk, will discuss how the college’s endowment is invested, and the place of fossil fuels in its holdings. President McCartney will open the session, which will include the opportunity for Q & A. Sponsored by the President’s Office, the event is the third in a series of campus conversations in relation to the fossil fuels divestment campaign.
Campus Center Carroll Room
4:30 pm to 6:00 pm

World Cafe: The Emerging Future w/ Dr. Otto Scharmer
February 26, 2014
All students, staff and faculty are invited to join an interactive, community-wide discussion of global issues and new ideas about leadership, innovation and the emerging future of societies, business, economies, natural resources, and the planet. Dr. C. Otto Scharmer is a Senior Lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and founding chair of the Presencing Institute. His new book Leading From the Emerging Future: From Ego-system to Eco-system Economies (co-authored with Katrin Kaufer) focuses on transforming business, society, and self. Scharmer chairs the MIT IDEAS program and helps groups of diverse stakeholders from business, government, and civil society to innovate at the level of the whole system.
Hampshire College, Library Gallery
4:00 pm to 6:30 pm

Slow Flowers: The Resurgence of Sustainable Cut Flowers for Domestic Markets
February 28, 2014
Rachel Lord is a Mount Holyoke alumna who owns and operates a cut flower farm in Alaska and is passionate about sustainable agriculture and local economies. Rachel has a M.S. in Wildlife Biology and also works off-farm at Cook Inletkeeper, a regional non-profit dedicated to protecting Alaska's clean water and healthy salmon.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
12:15 pm

Events at Smith

Green Team Interest Meeting
February 24, 2014
Green Team is Smith's student-led environmental organization dedicated to fostering sustainability at Smith. Become a part of the sustainability and education efforts on campus and in the community. All members of the Smith Community are welcome, regardless of your experience or areas of interest!
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
7:00 pm

Engineers for a Sustainable World Round Table
February 26, 2014
What is sustainability? People use it everyday to promote "green" products and "environmentally-friendly" concepts, but how can we qualify and quantify "sustainability"? This term has come to represent many ideas and images, but where did it start, why has it changed, and where is it going?! Join Engineers for a Sustainable World in a conversation about sustainability and its applications to engineering, academics, and the world as a whole.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
4:00 pm

Field Station Friday!
February 28, 2014
Join us at Macleish field station for maple sap collection. Visit the Bechtel Environmental Classroom, and explore the surroundings!
Meet at Chapin Annex parking lot
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Spring Bulb Show (March 1st - March 16th)
March 1, 2014

Smith Botanic Garden Greenhouse
10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Real Food Challenge: Pioneer Valley Regional Strategy Retreat
February 23, 2014
The Real Food Challenge is hosting a Regional Strategy Retreat for university students within the Pioneer Valley! Around 40 students and veteran organizers will converge for a powerful weekend of community-building, workshops, and storytelling. This retreat is for any student who wants to learn more about organizing and campaign strategy in order to build student power and cultivate food justice on their campus! A $35 registration fee will give you a place to sleep all weekend, dinner on Friday and three meals on Saturday and Sunday, and of course the opportunity to create and become a part of this Pioneer Valley support network. You can register here!
UMass Amherst
9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Architect: Rick Hauser
February 24, 2014
The Frontier Architect:Paradigms for Progressive Practice in Upstate Architectural Outposts Rick Hauser identifies as a “Frontier Architect” and his Finger Lakes firm, In.Site:Architecture, embraces these paradigms that navigate the uncharted territory of building a progressive practice outside the centers of fashion
UMass Gordon Hall, room 303
5:30 pm

Designing for Success: Ecological Restoration in Times of Change
February 25, 2014
A conference is co-sponsored by the Society for Ecological Restoration – New England Chapter and the Conway School Master of Science Program in Ecological Design. Professionals and students interested in the opportunities and challenges of modern-day restoration work should plan to attend. The conference includes a design charrette that should be very of particular interest to students.
Hampshire College, more details TBD

How to Start a Masters In Public Policy at CPPA During Your Senior Year
February 25, 2014
The accelerated Master of Public Policy program at the Center for Public Policy and Administration educates students to become public and nonprofit sector leaders, as well as effective advocates for social change. This interdisciplinary degree program allows students to earn a policy-focused master’s degree just one year after completing their undergraduate studies. Application deadline: April 30, 2014. For more information, email Satu Zoller, CPPA associate director, at
Mount Holyoke College, Kendade 305
4:30 pm to 6:30 pm

What is Environmental Justice: A PopDev community workshop
February 25, 2014
Come to PopDev's first Environmental Justice open community workshop, part of an ongoing series this spring! This interactive session will be an introduction to environmental justice themes (including environmental racism, class and the environment, and how we fight for environmental justice) and will include small group activities and guided discussion. Bring your questions and an open mind as we explore and create various definitions of environmental justice. Dinner from El Comalito will be provided! This workshop will be led by students Jessa Orluk, Justine Gonzalez-Berg, and PopDev Environmental & Reproductive Justice Fellow Senti Sojwal.
Hampshire College Merrill Living Room
5:30 pm to 7:00 pm

Climate Change as a Security Issue: Where Catastrophism Meets the Militarization of Human Migration
February 25, 2014
Hampshire College Presidential Lecture: Gregory White - Professor of Government, Faculty Director of the Lewis Global Studies Center, Smith College
Hampshire College, FPH East Lecture Hall
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Interfaith Lunch
February 26, 2014
Weekly interfaith lunch at MHC. People of all belief systems and philosophies are welcome! Soup, Salad, Bread, & Gourmet Cookies (vegan friendly). This week's conversation is climate-justice themed.
MHC Eliot House Lounge
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Koru Careers: Career Guidance
February 26, 2014
Visit with a Koru team member and learn more about Koru's 4-week summer programs providing you hands-on work experience & coaching from experts. Lunch provided by Koru Careers, Inc. RSVP in LyonNet
Willits- Wiese-Merriwether Room
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Formal Student Project presentations
February 28, 2014
at The Conway School of Landscape Design.
332 South Deerfield Road, Conway, MA
10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Non-Profit and Government Career Fair
February 28, 2014
Want to make a difference and a living? Join us for the annual Nonprofit & Government Career Fair and find out about a diversity of meaningful work opportunities. Meet employers offering summer internships, full-time and part-time jobs, and opportunities for service or volunteering. Stick around until 2 p.m. to join us for a panel on "Demystifying Work in Nonprofit & Public Service" and enter a drawing to win gift certificates to two local nonprofits: Amherst Cinema and Food for Thought Books!
Amherst College, Keefe Campus Center, Friedmann Room
11:00 am to 2:00 pm

Featured Event

How Brave Do You Want to Be After College?
March 7, 2014
A workshop with Selena Rezvani, author and women's leadership consultant. Join other Five COllege students for a sit-down "networking" lunch followed by a two-hour workshop. Selena Revani will guide you through an interactive session to help you recognize the time and place for taking risks when making big and small decisions. This is the third annual leadership experience co-sponsored by Mount Holyoke’s Weissman Center for Leadership and Smith College’s Wurtele Center for Work & Life.
Campus Center Carroll Room
12:30 pm to 4:00 pm

Events at Smith

LSS 100: Landscape, Design, and the Environment lecture
March 3, 2014
Jennifer Masters, MLA, MEd Associate, Dodson & Flinker, Inc. Learning to Look: What Designers Do. What Students Need to Know
Weinstein Auditorium
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Information Session: The Farm School
March 3, 2014
Meet Tyson Neukirch, Grower at The Farm School and learn more about the school’s unique one-year farmer training program which is accepting applicants for fall 2014. The tuition-based, Learn to Farm program blends classroom and field instruction in vegetable crop production, livestock management, business planning, product marketing, and a variety of practical skills including carpentry and welding. Graduates gain the essential skills needed to run a diverse farm operation, homestead, or other farming or food-related venture. Interested, but can't make it? Email to learn more about the program and The Farm School.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
4:15 pm

Summer Program and Internship Info Sesssion
March 5, 2014
Join us for lunch to learn more about Hampshire College's Food, Farm, and Sustainability program and available summer internships from director Beth Hooker.
CEEDS, Wright Hall
12:15 pm

Panel Discussion: Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movements
March 6, 2014
Featuring Anat Biletzki, Professor at Quinnipiac University, and Tel Aviv University, chairperson of B’Tselem (’01-'06), Sa’ed Atshan, Postdoctoral fellow in International Studies at Brown University, Elliot Fratkin, Professor of Anthropology and African Studies at Smith College, and Miri Talmon, Ph. D, Schusterman Visiting Professor in Israel Studies at Smith College Brought to you by: Faculty for Israeli Palestinian Peace, Students for Justice in Palestine, and J Street U
Seelye 106
7:30 pm

Spring Bulb Show (March 1st - March 16th)
March 8, 2014

Smith Botanic Garden Greenhouse
10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Conference-- BuildingEnergy 14: Advancing Your Practice
March 4, 2014
March 5, 2014
March 6, 2014
Organized by the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association and it’s members, this conference for high performance building and renewable energy practitioners is the oldest and most established in the region. BuildingEnergy is known for cutting edge, vetted content as well as an open, honest setting where professionals share their successes and failures openly. Come for the vital content, CEUs and networking - leave with skills, connections, and inspiration to succeed in the year ahead. * 80+ Sessions & workshops accredited by AIA, BPI, USGBC, BOMI, NAHB, NARI, InterNACHI (some MA CSL and APA credits available, see site)* Trade Show & Live Demonstration Stages * Free guided trade show and building tours * NESEA Night Dinner Cruise Aboard Spirit of Boston * Keynote by Living Building Challenge VP Amanda Sturgeon
Seaport World Trade Center, 200 Seaport Boulevard, Boston, MA 02210

Talk: The Evolution of Nutritional Quality - The Ready-to-Eat Cereal Industry
March 4, 2014
Focusing specifically on the intake of ready-to-eat cereals, Assistant Professor Emily Wang documents the evolution of the nutritional quality of available food products and the alarming rise in obesity in the U.S. during the last quarter century.
UMass Campus Center, 905-909
2:00 pm

Social/Environmental Justice and the Environment Career Panel
March 4, 2014
Join us for a panel discussion with practitioners in the field of Social Justice and Environment as they share their experiences and perspectives on working to create healthier, equitable communities.
Art Building, Gamble Auditorium, Mount Holyoke College
5:00 pm

March 5, 2014
Join us for this workshop-style event that will explore leadership and change-making through higher education. RSVP to reserve your spot!
Hampshire College, Prescott Tavern
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Distinguished Lecture Series: "Income Pooling and Living Standards"
March 6, 2014
A core assumption in conventional poverty measurement is that income is shared within households to the benefit of all household members. This presentation draws on the 2010 Irish SILC module to examine aspects of the household’s financial regime, including which household members receive income, the extent to which income is contributed for the benefit of other household members and responsibility for decision-making. Professor Sara Cantillon is director of the Equality Studies Graduate Program at University College Dublin School of Social Justice.Her main areas of research are equality, poverty, gender and intrahousehold distribution. She has published on these topics in top-ranking journals including Journal of Marriage and Family, Journal of Social Policy, Feminist Economics, Res Public, and Radical Statistics and has numerous co-authored books and policy reports for state departments and statutory bodies. She is the Irish expert on the EU Commission’s Network of Experts in the field of socioeconomic discrimination.
Commonwealth Honors College Building, Events Hall- East
4:00 pm

Sustainability Talk
March 6, 2014
"Unsettling nature in the Florida Everglades" Dr. Jessica Cattelino, Associate Professor of Anthropology, UCLA and Visiting Associate professor, Yale University
Amherst College, Fayerweather 117
4:30 pm to 6:30 pm

March 8, 2014
The UFC conference is designed to advance urban farming issues ranging from farming techniques and business models to climate change adaptation and food security. The UFC contributes to short-term and long-term state-wide strategic planning for a sustainable food system in Massachusetts. Network with Massachusetts' diverse, multi-sector stakeholders in this dynamic event that looks at current issues, emerging practices and programs, and markets that can contribute to Massachusetts' urban farming sector resiliency. For more information and to register:
Northeastern University Student Center, Curry Center, Boston, MA
8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Featured Event

Film Screening: Do the Math
March 12, 2014
The first in the EARTH'S TURN film series planned as a lead up to Earth Day. A discussion after the film will be led by local community org Climate Action Now. Sponsored by CEEDS, Sustainability Reps, Green Team, Divest Smith College, SGA Sustainability Committee, Climate Action Now, 350 MA, Office of Environmental Sustainability, Environmental Science and Policy Program, Office of Religious and Spiritual Life, with support from the SGA.
McConnell 103
6:30 pm

Events at Smith

LSS 100: Landscape, Design, and the Environment lecture
March 10, 2014
Lecture in honor of John Burk, Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences Sonja Duempelmann , Graduate School of Design, Harvard University From Airfields to Greenfields: A Genealogy of Airport Landscape
Weinstein Auditorium, Wright Hall
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Miller Lecture in Art and Art History: Maya Lin
March 11, 2014
Maya Lin is the world-renowned architect of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington. Through a careful balance between art and architecture, her work addresses how we relate and respond to the environment, and creates a systematic ordering of history, language and time.
Smith College, Wright Hall, Weinstein Auditorium
7:30 pm

Lecture and Lunch: The LIDAR Revolution: A new way to look at landscapes
March 13, 2014
a geosciences talk with Bob Newton. The imagery will be remarkable --- don't miss it! As usual lunch will be served at noon and the talk will start around 12:10.
Sabin-Reed 103
12:00 pm

Lunch and lecture: Engineering Meets Reality:
March 13, 2014
The Wicked Problems in Sustainable Engineering Initiative with Dr. Alexander Dale, Executive Director of Engineers for a Sustainable World Lunch will be provided, please bring your own beverage. Presented by Engineers for a Sustainable World.
Ford Hall, room 240
12:00 pm

Field Station Friday!
March 14, 2014
Join us at Macleish field station for maple sap collection. Visit the Bechtel Environmental Classroom, and explore the surroundings!
Meet at Chapin Annex parking lot
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Spring Bulb Show (March 1st - March 16th)
March 15, 2014

Smith Botanic Garden Greenhouse
10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Conway School Graduate Program in Sustainable Landscape Planning and Design
March 10, 2014
The Conway School offers a 10-month graduate program in sustainable landscape planning and design. Our graduates leave with a Master of Science in Ecological Design and all the training they need for a variety of careers in landscape design, urban & regional planning, restoration ecology and much more. If you are a student interested in sustainability, Admissions Director Adrian Dahlin would like to meet with you to talk about your interests, plans after graduation, career goals and how Conway might be a good fit.
Amherst College, Keefe Campus Center, 203
10:30 am to 2:00 pm

The Global Fork, Responsible and Delicious Eating
March 12, 2014
For over 25 years, Leslie Cerier, “The Organic Gourmet” Chef has been teaching culinary nutrition and hands-on vegetarian cooking for health and vitality, writing cookbooks focusing on eating local, seasonal, organic foods that are not just good for you, but also pleasurable, delicious and good for the planet.
Mount Holyoke College, Dwight Hall, Room 101
7:00 pm

Lecture: Global Climate Governance
March 13, 2014
with Lars Blaxekjaer, PhD candidate in the Department of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen and Visiting Pre-Doctoral Fellow at McGill University.Blaxekjaer will discuss "green growth" and global climate governance in three areas: 1) global climate governance in crisis using the Fukushima triple disaster as case, 2.)governance solutions outside the UNFCCC, particularly the emergence and spread of the green growth policy idea, and 3.) governance solutions inside the UNFCCC, particularly new groups at the COPs as discursive positioning. Sponsored by the UMASS Department of Political Science
Machmer Hall Room e23, University of Massachusetts Amherst
1:45 pm to 3:45 pm

Lecture: City farming: Havana's Productive Urban Landscapes
March 13, 2014
With Carey Clouse, Assistant Professor of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, who teaches architecture and landscape architecture coursework at UMass Amherst with a focus on sustainable urbanism. She also practices architecture for disaster and climate resilience with her firm, Crookedworks Architecture. Her professional work and research addresses the intersection between design and sustainability, with a specific focus on food security, climate change adaptation and self-sufficiency.
105 Hills (North) 111 Thatcher Road , UMASS, Amherst
4:00 pm

Conference: Sustainability: Systems and Solutions
March 15, 2014
For more information and to register for this April 17th event, visit the web site listed below.
UMASS Lowell Conference Center