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September 5-11

September 12-18

September 19-25

Featured Event

Film screening: Disruption
September 7, 2014
Disruption takes you on a fast-paced journey through the tangled world of climate change: the science, the politics, the solutions, and the stories that define this crisis at this pivotal point in human history. An event sponsored by the Green Team.
CEEDS- Wright Hall 005
7:00 pm

Lecture: Sustainable Development from Campus to the Globe: Oh, It’s Ducks
September 8, 2014
Dano Weisbord, the Director of Campus Sustainability and Space Planning at Smith College. This lecture is free and open to the public. All are welcome.
McConnell 103
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Green Infrastructure, Groundwater, and the Sustainable City
September 11, 2014
A lecture by Larry Band, the Birdsall-Dreiss 2014 Distinguished Lecturer. His research is in watershed eco-hydrology, including the co-evolution of ecological and hydrological systems. This event is free and open to the public.
McConnell 103
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Mill River Walk
September 6, 2014
Walk with us- this month we'll be walking Leeds: Cook’s Dam to River Road. Sponsored by the Mill River Greenway Initiative, Friends of Northampton Trails and Greenways and Smith College CEEDS (Center for the Environment, Ecological Design & Sustainability) SPACE IS LIMITED! Email us at to reserve your spot and get directions to the starting point!

Featured Event

Uniting the Planet: Bringing Faith, Science, and Community Organizing Leaders
September 17, 2014
Together to Promote Environmental Justice. This panel of environmental justice advocates will provide insight into the importance of bringing together science, faith, and community leaders in addressing sustainability issues. Sponsored by The Center for the Environment, Ecological Design, and Sustainability (CEEDS), the Center for Religious & Spiritual Life, and the Smith College Green Team.
Campus Center 103/104
7:15 pm

Events at Smith

SWG Reads the News lunches
September 12, 2014
We all read the news in different forms: as ticker tape under the tv broadcaster, in newspapers, on Facebook, twitter or as blog posts. But we often read it alone, even if with running commentary talking back to the news as we do so. Members of SWG invite you to join a more collective setting in Duckett Dining Hall over a Friday lunch to read the news: that is, decipher it, ask questions, give reactions, add new frames, in a sense, re-write the news. For those not on the meal plan, primarily staff and faculty, your lunch is on us.
Duckett Room B
12:10 pm

Night in the Garden...
September 12, 2014
We will give tours to those who would like to see our space, have snacks fresh from the garden, and lively conversation! Feel free to drop by whenever you are available! Sponsored by the Community Garden- located between Northrop-Gillett and Lamont.
Community Garden
4:30 pm

Meeting: Divest Smith College
September 15, 2014
Want to be a leader on an important issue that affects all of us? Help us work towards getting the College to divest from the fossil fuel industry. Come to one of our weekly meetings and learn more.
Campus Center 204
7:00 pm

Green Team meeting!
September 16, 2014
Join us for our first meeting of the year!
Campus Center 003 (lower level)
6:00 pm

Film screening: Disruption
September 16, 2014
Disruption takes you on a fast-paced journey through the tangled world of climate change: the science, the politics, the solutions, and the stories that define this crisis at this pivotal point in human history. An event sponsored by the Green Team.
Stoddard Auditorium
7:00 pm

Community Garden student org meeting
September 16, 2014
Come hear about what we were up to this summer, who we are, what we hope to do over the next semester, and share your ideas for fun activities!
CC 003
7:30 pm

Risk Taking & Its Rewards: A Conversation on Advocacy and Social Change
September 17, 2014
Join the conversation with three alumnae panelists. The panelists will be Erinn McGurn '94, Co-Founder and Executive Director of SCALEAfrica (and CEEDS Alumnae Advisory Board member), Kimberly Scott '91, Associate Professor at Arizona State University School of Social Transformation and Executive Director of COMPUGIRLS, and Staci Williams '81, Attorney and Judge-elect of the 101st District court. A reception will follow in the Alumnae House Gallery. This is the 3rd Annual Elizabeth Miller '81 Lecture.
Alumnae House Conference Hall
4:15 pm

Events Off Campus

More Than Just a Protest, with PopDev and Jonathan Lash, Hampshire College's President
September 15, 2014
The People's Climate March is less than two weeks away. To prepare our community for this historic march and catalyze discussion around the international climate negotiating process, PopDev will be hosting More than Just a Protest: Why the world needs public demand for ambitious climate action. Join us in discussion with Hampshire President Jonathan Lash about the political obstacles towards progressive climate action, past failures and successes of international climate agreements, and the role civil society and non-governmetnal organizations play in negotiations. Our discussion will be followed by a short question and answer period. We will conclude with a few words from students organizing transportation from Hampshire to the march on September 21, 2014. This event is free, open to the public, and wheelchair accessible.
East Lecture Hall, Franklin Patterson Hall, Hampshire College
5:15 pm

Film screening: Oil and Water with an appearance by David Poritz
September 15, 2014
Oil & Water is the true story of two boys coming of age as they each confront one of the world’s worst toxic disasters. Hugo Lucitante and David Poritz were born on opposite ends of the oil pipeline. Hugo comes to America to fight for the survival of his tribe in the Ecuadorian Amazon, while David travels from Amherst, Massachusetts to Ecuador to launch the world’s first company to certify oil as “fair trade.” Their journeys lead them to explore what could be a more just future for all people around the world born with oil beneath their feet.
Amherst Cinema
7:00 pm

Events at Smith

SWG Reads the News lunches
September 19, 2014
We all read the news in different forms: as ticker tape under the tv broadcaster, in newspapers, on Facebook, twitter or as blog posts. But we often read it alone, even if with running commentary talking back to the news as we do so. Members of SWG invite you to join a more collective setting in Duckett Dining Hall over a Friday lunch to read the news: that is, decipher it, ask questions, give reactions, add new frames, in a sense, re-write the news. For those not on the meal plan, primarily staff and faculty, your lunch is on us.
Duckett Room B
12:10 pm

Film screening: Scarred Lands and Wounded Lives: The Environmental Footprint of War
September 21, 2014
Can't travel to NYC to participate in the People's Climate March, but want gather in solidarity with others locally? Join us!
Bodman Lounge, Helen Hills Hills Chapel
2:00 pm

Lecture: Trashing the Climate: Waste Policy Solutions
September 22, 2014
Lynne Pledger will speak about her work as a Waste Policy Consultant. This event, part of the ENV 100 series, is free, open to the public, and wheelchair accessible.
McConnell 103
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Meeting: Divest Smith College
September 22, 2014
Want to be a leader on an important issue that affects all of us? Help us work towards getting the College to divest from the fossil fuel industry. Come to one of our weekly meetings and learn more.
Campus Center 204
7:00 pm

Factory Farm Simulation
September 24, 2014
Enter a state-of-the-art virtual reality simulation of what a chicken on a factory farm experiences. This project allows us to connect with animals as individuals and actually get a glimpse of their experiences from their point of view. Each participant will wear a virtual reality headset and become the chicken; sensors will allow the participants to move as if they were the chickens themselves. This has been designed as an education tool and does not include anything overtly graphic. Sponsored by Animal Advocates of Smith.
Campus center TV Lounge
10:00 am to 3:00 pm

Looking for adventure? Want to study abroad?
September 24, 2014
Come to an info session to learn more about SEA Semester! SEA Semester offers field-based study abroad programs for all majors during the summer or semester in the Caribbean, Europe, Polynesia, and New Zealand. Students spend half the semester in Woods Hole, MA in preparation for the second half voyage as a full-working crew member aboard one of two tall sailing ships. Email with questions.
CEEDS- Wright Hall 005
12:00 pm

Vigil for the Earth
September 24, 2014
Lunch provided for those who RSVP: This week we will share reflections and inspiration from the NYC People’s Climate March for those who attended and those who could not, and share a time of contemplation silence on behalf of our commitment to the earth.
Helen Hills Hills Chapel
12:15 pm