Featured Event Smithies Give Back! December 10, 2014 Celebrate the season and give back with Smith College's Eco-reps! Visit the first-floor of the campus center on Mindful Monday to donate used books so that others may use them, too. Technology Tuesday provides an opportunity to bring all E-Waste to the CC where the e\Eco-reps will be facilitating recycling; it's also a great day to set your technology free and unplug for a few hours! Food Waste Wednesday the Eco-Reps will be excepting non-perishable food donations, and encouraging students to help out the Food Waste Recovery Network to donate leftovers from the dining room. CC first floor. 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
ENV400 Special Studies Presentation: Real Food at Smith College December 11, 2014 Join Claire Westa and Lily Carlisle-Reske to hear about their Special Studies research on the kind of food Smith College purchases. Using tools developed by the Real Food Challenge, the two examined each food item ordered by Gillett and Tyler dining rooms during the month of October and February, analyzing the working conditions of those who produced it, the environmental impact, humaneness, the locality, and the nutritional values of each product. The Real Food Challenge is a national student organization whose goal is to shift $1 billion in academic institution money towards “real” food— food that is truly nourishing for producers, consumers, communities, and the environment. Come hear how well Smith is doing in this regard and learn more about how the Real Food Challenge organization might help us take further steps toward a more just food system. CEEDS 11:00 am
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