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September 18-24

September 25- Oct 1

October 2-8

Featured Event

General Interest dinner: Campus RainWorks Challenge
September 23, 2015
Are you interested in doing research on campus? How about sustainability or design? Have you ever wanted to participate in a project taking place on Smith's campus and get hands-on, field work experience? If so, we'd like to invite you to a general interest dinner to learn more about the Campus RainWorks Challenge and how you can get involved in Smith's project. Be in touch ahead of time if you have dietary restrictions- email jwalter at All members of the Smith community are welcome.
CEEDS- Wright Hall 005
6:00 pm

Events at Smith

Panel: Navigating STEM Majors
September 18, 2015
with faculty and students: Will Williams, Physics; Anny Sainvil, Geosciences '17; Dakota Murray, Engineering '16; Laura Katz, Biological Sciences; Patricia DiBartolo, Psychology and Science Center Director. Pizza for the first 25 folks. All welcome. Organized by the AEMES Mentoring Office as part of the Health and STEM Professions Lunchbag Series.
McConnell 103
12:10 pm

Stargazing at the New McConnell Rooftop Observatory
September 19, 2015
If it is cloudy or raining, we will postpone until the following evening, Sunday Sept. 20. The Observatory had a complete make-over this summer. Improvements include installing a modern dome for our largest telescope, restructuring the telescope enclosures, and doubling the size of the rooftop deck. Come and help us celebrate the new space! Objects visible that evening include the moon, Saturn, the Andromeda Galaxy, and numerous star clusters and nebulae.
McConnell Rooftop
8:30 pm to 10:00 pm

Exhibition: Places for the Spirit: Traditional African American Gardens
September 21, 2015
For nearly 20 years, photographer Vaughn Sills traveled through the Deep South searching out and collecting images of African American folk gardens. Many of the gardens' design elements and spiritual meanings have been traced back to the yards and gardens of American slaves and further back to their African heritage. The gardens are individual assertions of a communal identity, communicated through a shared language of spiritual and cultural symbols and meanings. 30 photographs are on display until the end of September.
Church Exhibition Gallery, Lyman Plant House
9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Info Session: Earth, Adventure and Environment - Study Abroad Opportunities
September 21, 2015
Come hear from Max Borella (Frontiers Abroad Administrative Director, University of Cantebury) and Dr. Dan Hikuroa (Frontiers Abroad Earth Systems Director, University of Auckland). Frontiers Abroad and the University of Cantebury offer a wide range of study abroad opportunities. From the flagships "Geology of New Zealand" and the New Zealand Earth Systems Programs to opportunities for environmental economics, international internships, to Maori Studies - there is something for everyone at UC. Even better, UC is perfectly situated to take advantage of what New Zealand offers best - Outdoor Adventure. Pizza lunch will be served in McConnell Foyer.
McConnell Foyer/103
12:10 pm

Lecture: Multiple Ways of Knowing
September 21, 2015
Dan Hikuroa, research director of New Zealand’s Maori Centre of Research Excellence, University of Auckland, will present "Multiple Ways of Knowing - Exploring the Commonalities and Differences Between Indigenous Knowledge and Science." For many years indigenous knowledge (IK) has been considered incompatible with Western empirical based science, mainly because of the inclusion of holistic components and non-rational explanations in the former. Increasingly however, commonalities between the two are being recognized and both scientists and IK holders, and in particular practitioners, are beginning to work with each other. Reception at 4 p.m. on McConnell Terrace
McConnell B05
4:30 pm

Smith’s Food Recovery Network Interest Meeting
September 21, 2015
WHAT? Learn about FRN and how to get involved WHO? Student leadership, smithies with an interest in community service and/or a passion for sustainability & food WHY? Meet Smithies, take action, have fun! Pizza provided.
Lower Level Campus Center
6:30 pm

NOAA Internship Presentations I: Fisheries and coastal habitats
September 24, 2015
Lunch Provided. Anastasia Konefal ’17 “The Effects of Nutrient Addition and Predator Exclusion on Epiphyte Loads on Artificial Seagrass Units”; Grace Peralta ’16 “Key Habitat Variables on Rocky and Coral Reef Fish Assemblages”; Celeste Venolia ’17 “Using Otoliths to Establish an Age-Length Ratio for Silver Hake in the Northwest Atlantic”
McConnell 404
12:00 pm

Featured Event

Lecture- This Changes Everything: Capitalism VS Climate with Naomi Klein
September 29, 2015
Ms. Klein will be speaking about her book, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate. Mark your calendars!
Chapin Auditorium, Mount Holyoke College
7:30 pm

17th Annual North Quabbin Garlic and Arts Festival
September 26, 2015
September 27, 2015
The North Quabbin Garlic and Arts Festival is a celebration of the artistic, agricultural and cultural bounty of the region. The purpose of the festival is to unite North Quabbin people whose livelihoods are connected to the land and the arts, and to invite both local residents and those who do not live in the region to experience the richness of an area that is often overlooked. The festival emphasizes what is homegrown, handmade and high quality, as well as what helps preserve and support the environment and the community. Everyone involved – organizers, exhibitors, volunteers, performers, attendees, a supportive community – makes the festival what it is: an engaging, fun and educational celebration for all ages. No dogs allowed.
Forster’s Farm, 60 Chestnut Hill Road, Orange, MA
10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Events at Smith

Panel: Getting Involved in Research at Smith
September 25, 2015
with faculty: Dave Gorin (Chemistry), Stan Scordilis (Biology), Steven Williams (Biology) and Sarah Moore (Engineering). Pizza for the first 25 folks. All welcome. Organized by the AEMES Mentoring Office as part of the Health and STEM Professions Lunchbag Series.
McConnell 103
12:10 pm

Exhibition: Places for the Spirit: Traditional African American Gardens
September 28, 2015
For nearly 20 years, photographer Vaughn Sills traveled through the Deep South searching out and collecting images of African American folk gardens. Many of the gardens' design elements and spiritual meanings have been traced back to the yards and gardens of American slaves and further back to their African heritage. The gardens are individual assertions of a communal identity, communicated through a shared language of spiritual and cultural symbols and meanings. 30 photographs are on display until the end of September.
Church Exhibition Gallery, Lyman Plant House
9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Lecture: Integrating Art and Conservation
September 28, 2015
Jill Metcoff, Artist and Smith College Alumna, will be giving a lecture about her work and creating the book "Firelines". This event is free, open to the public, and wheelchair accessible.
McConnell 103
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Lecture: Once Upon a Climate Changed Future: A Letter to 2065
September 29, 2015
Greg White, Mary Huggins Gamble Foundation Chair of Government, will give his inaugural lecture. The first in the 2015-16 Chaired Professor Lecture Series. All are welcome.
Seelye 106
5:00 pm

Lunchbag: New Rules for Climate Protection: Student and Citizen Action To Change the Future
September 30, 2015
with Eban Goodstein, PhD, Director of graduate programs (MS and MBA) in sustainability at Bard College. Lunch from Veracruzana provided.
CEEDS- Center for Environment, Ecological Design & Sustainability, Wright Hall 005
12:15 am

NOAA Internship Presentations II: Education and outreach projects
September 30, 2015
Lunch Provided. Danielle Opatovsky '16 "Communicating Marine Protected Areas: Using Story Maps and Online Tools to Share Information about MPAs"; Julia Graham '16 "Bringing narrative maps to NOAA’s Habitat Focus Area initiative"; Kim Lu '17 “Operational oversight at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration” Siiri Bigalke '16J "Creating Resilient Communities: Habitat Restoration and Climate Change Monitoring in the Hawaiian Islands"
McConnell 404
12:15 pm

Engineering Forum
October 1, 2015
with John Andary, PE. John is an environmental engineer based in the Bay Area and is a principal figure in the Integral Group, a prize-winning “deep green” engineering firm. At the forum John will describe “Building Design” as a career choice for engineers (he's been in the field for 30+ years) and will give a talk about sustainable buildings and communities as well as Zero Energy Buildings. Food will be served at this event, students are invited to bring their own beverage.
Ford Hall - Room 240
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Massachusetts Green Careers Conference
October 1, 2015
YOUR FUTURE IN CLEAN ENERGY AND SUSTAINABILITY $60 before August 26 $75 after August 26 $50 Job Seekers $45 Students|
Marlborough Holiday Inn

Featured Event

Presentation of the Climate Change Concentration
October 5, 2015
Learn how the Climate Change Concentration can compliment your major and add meaningful hands-on experience to your academic goals. Lunch served. Learn more about the concentration on our website:
CEEDS Wright Hall 005
12:00 pm

Presentation of the Sustainable Food Concentration
October 6, 2015
The Sustainable Food Concentration lets students engage in an interdisciplinary exploration of food and the many issues involved in sustainability. Come explore your interests! Lunch provided. Learn more on our website:
CEEDS Wright Hall 005
12:00 pm

Events at Smith

Panel: Diverse Careers in STEM
October 2, 2015
with faculty: Shannon Audley-Piotrowski (Education and Child Study) and Nate Derr (Biology). Pizza for the first 25 folks. All welcome. Organized by the AEMES Mentoring Office as part of the Health and STEM Professions Lunchbag Series.
McConnell 103
12:10 pm

How to Ride a Bike Workshop
October 4, 2015
At Bike Kitchen we would love to share our joy of riding bikes with everyone who wants to partake. We recognize that a large number of students don't know how to ride a bike and we would love to help them learn. This workshop is for those who may feel not very confident in their riding skills or for those who have never learned. We will provide bike and a safe place to learn!
Bike Kitchen, Talbot House side entrance
4:00 pm

Lecture: The Right to Food & Food Security in Western MA
October 5, 2015
with Smith College Alumna, Molly Sauvain, Education Coordinator at the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts in Hatfield. This lecture is part of the ENV 100: Environment and Sustainability: Notes from the Field series and is free and open to the public.
McConnell 103
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Biodiversity & Conservation Research Presentation with Dr. Moya Burns
October 6, 2015
Operation Wallacea is a biodiversity research and conservation management organization hosting scientific expeditions in Indonesia, Transylvania, South Africa, Madagascar, Peru, Guyana, Honduras, and Mexico. These research sites are run in remote locations with the help of volunteers and academics from around the world. Students can join as Research Assistants (internship and credit options available) and receive training in different survey techniques such as mist-netting, SCUBA diving, GIS, camera-trapping, stereo-video transects of coral reefs, and much more. Join us to learn more about how you can get involved with conservation efforts right now. If you are unable to make it, please feel free to e-mail for more details. Hope to see you there!
CEEDS Wright Hall 005
10:00 am

Bike Traffic and Safety Workshop
October 7, 2015
Hosted by Campus Police and Bike Kitchen during this workshop we will go over basic bike safety like hand signals, traffic laws, bike registration, bike theft, and also basic bike maintenance. Please join us for this informative evening!
12:00 pm

Engineering Forum
October 8, 2015
Jason Bauer-Clapp will present Internship and Job Search for Engineers. Attend this conversation to learn about search resources, a basic framework for how to approach your search, and best practices for creating compelling, persuasive applications. Jason is the Associate Director of Smith's Lazarus Center for Career Development and liaison to the Picker Engineering Program. Food will be served at this event, students are invited to bring their own beverage.
Ford Hall - Room 240
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Information Session about opportunities for research around the globe with Operation Wallacea
October 8, 2015
The presentation is open to anyone interested. With a team of academics from across Europe and North America, Operation Wallacea ( supports long term biodiversity monitoring projects as well as specialized research investigations at 24 sites in 11 countries.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
5:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Deep Sea Sediments – Archives for Ocean and Climate History
October 6, 2015
with Professor Helmut Weissert, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland. Extreme fluctuations of the CCD during the Cenozoic and Mesozoic coincide with major changes in past climate and oceanography. If combined with isotope geochemical proxies, preserved in deep-sea sediments, we gain insight into perturbation-response mechanisms of the climate-ocean system and, hence, of the earth’s biosphere. A close look at Cretaceous greenhouse episodes will offer the opportunity to learn about feedbacks between plate tectonics, physical, chemical and biological oceanography. Climate of the geological past offers the chance to learn about climate of the near future.
UMass, Skinner 12
4:00 pm

The Perfect $100,000 House Then and Now: the Distance between Architectural Fantasy and Reality
October 6, 2015
with Karrie Jacobs, writer, editor, and founding Editor-in-chief of Dwell Magazine. Part of the "Women in Design" architectural lecture series sponsored by the UMASS architecture department
Room S211 Integrated Learning Center, UMass
5:30 pm