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October 9-15

October 16-22

October 23-29

Events at Smith

Field Station Trip
October 10, 2015
Want to Get off campus and enjoy the outdoors? Take a van to MacLeish field station this weekend to hike, connect with nature or get some work done! Boardgames and wifi included. The van will leave from the Chapin loading dock at 1pm and return to campus by 4:30pm. Register at link below: Chapin loading dock 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
MacLeish Field Station (leave from Chapin loading dock)
1:00 pm to 4:30 pm

Thinking about Applying to Graduate School in the Sciences?
October 15, 2015
Would you like more information about what graduate school is like, how to find the right school, and how to apply? We will provide some introductory remarks but hope to spend most of the hour answering any questions you have. Pizza will be available. Jack Loveless & Sara Pruss, Department of Geosciences
Sabin-Reed 103
12:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Students for Zero Waste Conference
October 9, 2015
October 10, 2015
Education. Leadership. Sustainability.
Durham, NH

Just Roots' third annual Fall Farm Festival
October 11, 2015
Stop by the Wheelhouse Farm Truck for a locally sourced lunch featuring produce from the community farm and wash it down at the Lefty's Beer Garden. There's an art tent, pumpkin carving and face painting for the kids. Enjoy three local bands, workshops and demonstrations of blacksmithing, herbal medicine and stone carving and join a farm tour. It's all at the Greenfield Community Farm Fall Festival this Sunday afternoon, October 11. For more details visit the link below:
Greenfield Community Farm
2:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Passive House: Conservation-focused Design
October 15, 2015
Amy Finlayson, project manager with the state Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance, discusses the principles of Passive House and how they can be applied to public projects in the Commonwealth. Passive House is a voluntary performance-based design standard focused on significant energy efficiency, ecological impact, cost savings and thermal comfort using quantifiable data. Finlayson is a registered architect with Passive House certification and has more than 18 years of experience in multiple sectors of architecture. Her primary interests are energy conservation and design. After 12 years practicing high-end residential architecture, she has shifted her career path to capital projects for the Commonwealth to have a greater impact on the way we approach design and energy conservation. She would like to see the Passive House approach implemented on all Commonwealth capital projects. She is currently the project manager for the proposed Child Care Center at Greenfield Community College, which is on track for Passive House certification. There is no building typology; the Passive House standard can be applied across the building industry successfully. Because of the unique and focused criteria for Passive House, it can complement or coincide with additional green building standards such as LEED. The primary characteristics of Passive House design are energy efficiency, occupant health and comfort, predictable performance for long-term planning and maintenance, and resiliency. Each of those categories is imperative for public projects and will be discussed in the presentation. Seating is limited, RSVP below:
Massachusetts Room, Mullins Center, UMASS
3:00 pm

Featured Event

Lecture: Climate Change and Conflicts
October 20, 2015
with Susan George '56, author of 16 books, president of the board of the Transnational Institute in Amsterdam, and Honorary President of ATTAC-France [Association for Taxation of Financial Transaction to Aid Citizens]. Ms. George will speak about climate change and conflict.
Seelye 210
4:30 pm

Events at Smith

Brownbag Lunch- Info Session: SEA Semester
October 16, 2015
SEA Semester is a field-based study abroad program focused on the ocean environment. They offer 6 different semester programs that focus on environmental topics ranging from global climate change to cultural and environmental sustainability to conservation and marine biodiversity. SEA semester programs include an on-shore component in Woods Hole, Massachusetts followed by a sailing research voyage in the Atlantic, Pacific, or Caribbean. Motivated students of all majors who are passionate about learning, inspired to take on real-world issues, and eager to become part of an unparalleled living and learning community are welcome to apply.
CEEDS- Center for Environment, Ecological Design & Sustainability, Wright Hall 005
12:15 pm to 1:00 pm

Gleaning with Rachel's Table
October 18, 2015
Gleaning, which dates back to Biblical times, is the gathering of produce after harvest. Farmers are often unable to sell all of their produce, either because of imperfections or because they simply cannot harvest it all. Many farmers welcome the opportunity to donate excess produce that would otherwise have been thrown out; others donate salable produce simply out of kindness. We will be taking a van to a few farms to harvest the produce, and then we will be donating the food. Email to reserve your spot!
Chapin Annex Road
9:30 am to 1:00 pm

Field Station Trip
October 18, 2015
Want to Get off campus and enjoy the outdoors? Take a van to MacLeish field station this weekend to hike, connect with nature or get some work done! Boardgames and wifi included. The van will leave from the Chapin loading dock at 1pm and return to campus by 4:30pm. Register at link below: Chapin loading dock 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
MacLeish Field Station (leave from Chapin loading dock)
1:00 pm to 4:30 pm

Coral Reef Ed-Ventures Art Exhibit
The week of October 19-23, 2015
The Nolan Art Lounge presents artwork and photographs created during the Coral Reef Ed-ventures summer 2015 project that involved Smith students and over 120 children of San Pedro, Belize. This display will include a mural, posters and photographs of children engaged in the environmental education summer camp lead by the Smith students as well as the coral reef data that Smith students collected for projects lead by the Smith faculty leaders.
Nolan Art Lounge, CC

Lecture: Bucking Political Stereotypes
October 19, 2015
Come hear Philip Warbug, Author, Harness the Sun & Harvest the Wind, speak about Bucking Political Stereotypes: A New England Environmental Advocate Looks at Wind Power's Ascent in the American Heartland. This event is free, open to the public, and wheelchair accessible.
McConnell 103
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Spatial Analysis Lab workshop series
October 20, 2015
October 22, 2015
Join us in the SAL to learn about a technology which helps biologists track wildlife, helps archaeologists survey historical sites, and powers self-driving cars, among many other applications. The workshop will take place in two 1-hr sessions: Tues, Oct 20 from 4-5pm; and Thurs, Oct 22 from 4-5pm. Please feel free to attend one or both according to your schedule. Visit the link below for more information and to sign up!
Spatial Analysis Lab (Sabin-Reed 104)
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Lunch Talk: Trade, Development, Economics and Climate Change: A Conversation with Susan George
October 21, 2015
Susan George, '56, a social scientist, activist and writer who addresses global justice, poverty, development and debt, will provide an informal, open-ended discussion of her work. Free and open to the public. Light lunch provided.
Campus Center 204
12:00 pm

Presentation: Study the Environment Abroad
October 21, 2015
Learn more about the ways you can study the environment while taking part in one of the many Smith-approved study abroad programs. Lunch provided.
Lewis Global Studies Center, Wright Hall first floor
12:00 pm

Lunch: Coral Reef Ed-Ventures: A marine education research program in Belize
October 22, 2015
Coral Reef Ed-Ventures is an innovative, cooperative educational venture between Smith College and the Hol Chan Marine Reserve in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize. Students can spend six weeks in Belize learning about the scientific and social issues facing the coral reefs, with the first and last weeks spent at Smith for discussion. Join the Geo Department for a pizza lunch to learn more.
Sabin-Reed 103
12:00 pm

Presentation of the Art Major
October 22, 2015
Presentation of the Art Major, including the Architecture + Urbanism track. In the Art atrium at noon. Lunch will be provided -- including wraps, fruits, vegetables, cookies, and beverages.
Art atrium
12:00 pm

Coral Reef Ed-Ventures Art Exhibit Reception
October 22, 2015
Have you seen the Coral Reef Ed-ventures Program exhibit? If not, come by the Nolan Art Lounge tomorrow between 5-7pm for our reception and meet the faculty behind this awesome project.
Nolan Art Lounge, CC
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Divest Meeting
October 22, 2015
Divest Smith College (DSC) is a network of students and community members dedicated to continuing Smith College’s history of empowering women of all backgrounds to make a positive impact on the world by creating an environment that is both fiscally and morally responsible. If you're interested in making a change come to a meeting!
CC 103/104
8:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Massachusetts Premiere of Rising Voices/Hotȟaŋiŋpi
October 18, 2015
Rising Voices/Hotȟaŋiŋpi, a film by Lawrence Hott and Diane Garey, is a production of Florentine Films/Hott Productions, Inc. in association with The Language Conservancy. The project is sponsored by Vision Maker Media with major funding provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the Administration for Native Americans, the Dakota Indian Foundation, the South Dakota Humanities Council, and the North Dakota Humanities Council.
Academy of Music, Northampton
4:00 pm

A lecture with Ellen Calm, Founder/Director, Corner Institute of Malinalco, Mexico
October 19, 2015
Ms. Calm will discuss her nonprofit’s innovative approaches to: • addressing the threat to Mexico’s security posed by organized crime and the corruption that enables it; • sustaining livelihoods and resources in agrarian communities whose families are fragmented by a globalizing world economy driving job-seekers north. Refreshments from Mission Cantina provided! This event supported by Hampshire College’s Latin@/Latin American Studies Program and the Five College Program in Peace and World Security Studies.
Franklin Patterson Hall, Room 101, Hampshire College
4:30 pm

Erratic Horizons
October 20, 2015
with Beka Sturges, Associate Principal, Reed Hilderbrand LLC, Cambridge MA. Part of the "Women in Design" architectural lecture series sponsored by the UMASS architecture department.
Room S211 Integrated Learning Center, UMass
5:30 pm

Sustainable Halloween Costume Sale
October 22, 2015
A Halloween sale of reused clothing. Save money and be sustainable at the same time. Choose from the “pre-assembled” assortment of fabulous costumes or personalize your own in the do-it-yourself section. Show your creativity during the #UMassHalloween Instagram event.
162 Campus Center, UMASS
5:00 pm to 10:00 pm

Featured Event

Lecture: A Glimpse Into the Future of Energy
October 28, 2015
with Sally Benson, a globally renowned climate scientist and member of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. A member of the faculty at Stanford University, Benson serves as director of the Precourt Institute for Energy, the hub of energy research and education at Stanford, and also directs Stanford’s Global Climate and Energy Project, a university-industry partnership that develops innovative energy supplies. Benson is the author of more than 160 scientific publications and the co-founding editor of MRS Energy and Sustainability. Benson holds a B.S. degree in geology from Barnard College and earned M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California-Berkeley. She received an honorary degree from Smith College in 2015.
Ford 240
7:00 pm

Lecture: Global Climate Action: COP 21
October 29, 2015
with Brice Lalonde, the former Environmental Secretary of France and later Minister of the Environment, French Republic Ambassador on Climate Change, and from 2010 to 2012 Executive Coordinator of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio +20). This event is free, open to the public, and wheelchair accessible.
Seelye 106
4:30 pm

Events at Smith

Lecture: Climate Crisis and Gender: the Intersection
October 23, 2015
with organizer, educator, researcher and founder of RADIKO- Ceci Pineda
Weinstein Auditorium, Wright Hall.
5:00 pm

CEEDS Fifth Annual Apple Cider Pressing
October 24, 2015
Join students and staff from the Center for the Environment, Ecological Design, and Sustainability (CEEDS) and Dining Services to experience a family friendly and tasty New England tradition. We're all about sustainable food! Help us press fresh, Ashfield-grown apples into cider and then have a cup together with a Hadley-made cider donut.
Chapin Annex Road
10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Bike Ride and Picnic
October 24, 2015
We will lead a bike ride on the bike path to a lovely park in which we will have a picnic and ride back. Lunch will be provided and the bike ride difficulty will be mild.
Bike Kitchen, Talbot Basement
4:00 pm

Presentation of the Minor: Landscape Studies
October 26, 2015
Please join the Landscape Studies faculty for food, drink and conversation about the unlimited possibilities within the Landscape Studies Program.
Dewey Hall Common Room
12:00 am

Lecture: Building Our Future
October 26, 2015
Marc Sternick, Vice President, Senior Project Architect, Dietz & Company Architects, Inc. will talk about Building Our Future - The State of the Art of Energy Efficient Building Practices. This event is free, open to the public, and wheelchair accessible.
McConnell 103
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Workshop: The History of Capitalism
October 26, 2015
with Loren Ressler from the Responsible Endowment Coalistion (REC). This workshop will shed light on how our current economic model came to be and how it is inextricably linked to some of the greatest systemic social issues of our time- from climate crisis to the prison industrial complex. This event is free and open to the public. Sponsored by Divest Smith College.
Seelye 101
4:00 pm

SAL Workshop: QGIS!
October 27, 2015
October 29, 2015
Join us to learn about QGIS, the leading free, open source alternative to ArcGIS. More information and the registration link can be found at the link below:
Spatial Analysis Lab (Sabin-Reed 104)
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Engineering Forum
October 29, 2015
Join us to hear from Sally Benson, Stanford University professor of energy resources engineering and director of the Global Climate and Energy Project (GCEP), a pioneering university-industry partnership to develop innovative, low-carbon energy supplies to meet global energy needs. Benson is also director of the Precourt Institute for Energy, the hub of energy research and education at Stanford. An internationally recognized scientist with extensive management experience, Professor Benson is responsible for fostering cross-campus collaborations on energy and guiding the growth and development of GCEP's diverse research portfolio. Food will be served at this event, students are invited to bring their own beverage.
Ford Hall - Room 240
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Presentation of the major and minors: Environmental Science and Policy program
October 29, 2015
Come for lunch and learn about how you can major or minor in environmental science and policy OR marine science and policy through the ES&P program. Indian food lunch provided.
McConnell 404
12:00 pm

Lecture: Cultural Heritage and the Wonders of Waste
October 29, 2015
Dr. Robin Nagle, Clinical Associate Professor of Anthropology and Environmental Studies at New York University, is the author of Picking Up: On the Streets and Behind the Trucks with the Sanitation Workers of New York City. Since 2006, she has been anthropologist-in-residence with the NYC Department of Sanitation. Her research focuses on the category of material culture known variously as garbage, rubbish, refuse, trash, or waste. She is particularly interested in its labor and infrastructural requirements in urban contexts.
Seelye 201
5:00 pm

Divest Meeting
October 29, 2015
Divest Smith College (DSC) is a network of students and community members dedicated to continuing Smith College’s history of empowering women of all backgrounds to make a positive impact on the world by creating an environment that is both fiscally and morally responsible. If you're interested in making a change come to a meeting!
CC 103/104
8:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Sustainable Halloween Costume Sale
October 23, 2015
A Halloween sale of reused clothing. Save money and be sustainable at the same time. Choose from the “pre-assembled” assortment of fabulous costumes or personalize your own in the do-it-yourself section. Show your creativity during the #UMassHalloween Instagram event.
162 Campus Center, UMASS
10:00 am to 10:00 pm

Conference: Transforming Sustainability Education
October 25, 2015
October 26, 2015
October 27, 2015
October 28, 2015
with the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). Smith's own Camille Washington-Ottombre, professor of environmental science and policy and Dano Weisbord, director, campus sustainability will be presenting.
Minneapolis, MN

Student meeting: 5 College Scopes
October 29, 2015
If you are a student of color in the five colleges who is in the sciences, STEM or is an activist, supporter, organizer, silent supporter of environmental justice or any area in between, we hope you will join us! We call ourselves The 5 College Scopes, and we are a continually blossoming organization seeking to promote solidarity among students of color in these areas, to highlight the voices of these students, and to provide a inclusive space, support network as well as to educate, network and cultivate opportunities for our community. If this organization feels like a good fit for you we welcome you to join us and to bring any other interested friends, students, and colleagues. Contact Blythe Coleman-Mumford (bcolemanmumford at with questions.
Elm Classroom, UMASS
4:00 pm