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CPC Seed Longevity Study
August 21, 2024
We are delighted to invite you to attend a free 90-minute webinar sharing insights from a four-year research study evaluating the survival of seeds from CPC's genebanked collections of wild rare plants native to the US. The study assesses viability of seeds of over 100 species that were placed in freezer (-20C) storage between 1985-2010. Most of the seeds show no signs of deterioration -- a testament that seed banking offers an efficient, cost-effective strategy for ex situ conservation. However, genebanking seeds from wild species presents many challenges, and the study applies some novel approaches to measure the progress of aging, namely fragmentation of RNA and biophysical behavior of lipids. Changes of these parameters were inferred by comparisons with freshly harvested seeds from the same population and will be used to predict longevity under genebanking conditions. This research was conducted collaboratively by the Center for Plant Conservation, USDA-ARS National Laboratory for Genetic Resources Preservation, and 24 CPC Conservation Partners from throughout the United States.
Webinar - register at link above
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm