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August 28- Sep 3

September 4-10

September 11-17

Events at Smith

Exhibition: Here, Now
August 30, 2024 through July 13, 2025
From August 30, 2024 until July 13, 2024, The Smith College Museum of Art (SCMA) will host a solo exhibition of art by Younes Rahmoun—one of Morocco’s most important artists—in partnership with the Botanic Garden of Smith College and Arts Afield at CEEDS. The exhibition will explore how Rahmoun’s place-based sculptures and installations have, for the last 25 years, created space for viewers to be in community, together in the here and now. Foremost among the exhibition's themes are nature, place, and landscape; spirituality; migration as a consequence of de/colonization; and the relationship between the macrocosm and the microcosm. The public can visit various elements of he exhibition- on Smith Campus at the SCMA and the Botanic Garden- and at Smith's Ada and Archibald MacLeish Field Station.
Smith College Museum of Art and the MacLeish Field Station

Events at Smith

'Confluence' by Amanda Maciuba
September 5 through October 16, 2024
Amanda Maciuba’s work is an exploration of the visible and invisible marks of human hands on the landscape. Her practice investigates human relationships with the environment over time, forefronting the impacts of human driven climate change. Confluence is a series of prints, artist’s books and installations that are inspired by the confluence of the Kaw and Missouri Rivers in Kansas City, Kansas, that has expanded to consider multiple points how water shapes human life and how our actions impact river environments in return throughout the United States. Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. On view through October 17.
Oresman Gallery, Hillyer
8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Artist Walk with Younes Rahmoun at the MacLeish Field Station
September 7, 2024
Join multidisciplinary Moroccan artist Younes Rahmoun for a walk to experience his new site-specific sculpture, Ghorfa #13, which is being hosted by Arts Afield and the Smith College Museum of Art at MacLeish as part of the larger exhibition, Here, Now. Rahmoun is a leading figure in contemporary art internationally. We will also be joined by exhibition organizer Emma Chubb, Charlotte Feng Ford '83 Curator of Contemporary Art, SCMA. For Smith students only. Interested? Get more details and fill out the form at the link below; we will confirm your spot via email.
MacLeish Field Station
1:30 pm

Events Off Campus

Telling the American Story on Our Public Lands
September 5, 2024
Our vast and stunning public lands are not only celebrated for their natural beauty and natural resources—they also play a prominent part in conveying the American Story to visitors from across the country and around the globe. How can we ensure that we meet the need to more accurately and inclusively tell American history in these public spaces, and to preserve and expand access to the voices and stories they hold for future generations? US Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland joins Mellon Foundation President Elizabeth Alexander for a discussion about the reparative work Haaland leads on our public lands, the charge of stewardship for racial and environmental justice, and the role of Interior in telling the American Story. Register to get the link below:
4:00 pm

Events at Smith

'Confluence' by Amanda Maciuba
September 5 through October 16, 2024
Amanda Maciuba’s work is an exploration of the visible and invisible marks of human hands on the landscape. Her practice investigates human relationships with the environment over time, forefronting the impacts of human driven climate change. Confluence is a series of prints, artist’s books and installations that are inspired by the confluence of the Kaw and Missouri Rivers in Kansas City, Kansas, that has expanded to consider multiple points how water shapes human life and how our actions impact river environments in return throughout the United States. Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. On view through October 17.
Oresman Gallery, Hillyer
8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Events Off Campus

Ocean Governance: Past, Present, Futur
September 12, 2024
Dr. Scott Barrett is the Lenfest-Earth Institute Professor of Natural Resource Economics at Columbia University, with appointments in the School of International and Public Affairs and the Earth Institute. He is also Centennial (Visiting) Professor at the London School of Economics. His research shows how international cooperation in managing the environment can be achieved by the strategic design of treaties and related institutions. For his exceptional accomplishments, he has received many prestigious awards and honors. For example, he has been awarded the Erik Kempe Prize by the European Association of Environmental & Resource Economists, the Publication of Enduring Quality Award by the Association of Environmental & Resource Economists (AERE), and the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, by the University of Bath. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and a fellow of AERE. He is also a Fellow and former chairman of the advisory board of the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics in the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Webinar - register at link above
10:00 am