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September 18-24

September 25- Oct 1

October 2-8

Events at Smith

Climate Justice Symposium: Exploring Feminist Interventions and Possibilities
September 20, 2024
September 21, 2024
Join other scholars, artists, students, activists, and professionals for a dynamic interdisciplinary symposium. The symposium focuses on climate justice scholarship, activism, and art around 3 themes- Food and Land, Energy and Natural Resources, and Health and Well-being- and includes keynotes with Dorceta Taylor, Wangari Mathaai Professor of Environmental Justice at the Yale School of the Environment and Jacqueline Patterson, Founder and Executive Director of the Chisholm Legacy Project and one of Time Magazine’s Women of the Year for 2024, plus parallel panel sessions and workshops. Find out more, and register to attend at the link below. All welcome.
Smith College, Northampton, MA

'Confluence' by Amanda Maciuba
September 5 through October 16, 2024
Amanda Maciuba’s work is an exploration of the visible and invisible marks of human hands on the landscape. Her practice investigates human relationships with the environment over time, forefronting the impacts of human driven climate change. Confluence is a series of prints, artist’s books and installations that are inspired by the confluence of the Kaw and Missouri Rivers in Kansas City, Kansas, that has expanded to consider multiple points how water shapes human life and how our actions impact river environments in return throughout the United States. Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. On view through October 17.
Oresman Gallery, Hillyer
8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Climate Shocks, Domestic Violence, and the Protective Role of Climate-Resilience Projects
September 20, 2024
Nidhiya Menon, Professor, Department of Economics & International Business School will discuss her paper which investigates the impact of climate change on intimate partner violence in Bangladesh, and shows that policy can mitigate much if not all of the harmful consequences of climate shocks on women. All are welcome to this Climate Justice Symposium adjacent event hosted by the economics department.
Seelye 201
12:15 pm

Requesting Letters of Recommendation
September 23, 2024
In this workshop, learn how to decide whom to ask to write you a letter of recommendation, how to make the request, and how to guide your letter writers to best support your application. We’ll also discuss how to build positive and meaningful relationships with faculty long before you would like to ask for a recommendation. Pizza will be served, including vegan and gluten-free options. Register on Handshake (link below)
Campus Center 103/104
12:15 pm

Smithies in Science Club meeting and talk!
September 23, 2024
Join us for the first meeting of the semester Smithies in Science Club at Smith! Guest Martha Weiss, professor and director, Biology Department and co-director, Environmental Studies Program at Georgetown University will join us via Zoom. If you are interested in Environmental Science or Biology, come and hear her speak about her career and answer any questions you may have! If you want to join the Smithies in Science email list, you can sign up at the link below:
Ford Hall 240 (Picker Case Study Room) - to be confirmed
5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Career Communities Connect & Chat at CEEDS
September 24, 2024
Lazarus Center for Career Development’s Heather Brinn DeLand, PhD, Career Specialist for Government, Law, Policy & International Affairs and Debra J. Immergut, Career Specialist for the Arts, Media & Communications will be available to discuss possible career paths, internship ideas, career resources, and more. Drop by with your questions! Limited lunch provided on a first come, first served basis.
12:15 pm

Events Off Campus

Environmental Justice and Building a Clean Energy Economy
September 19, 2024
Join Black Appalachian Coalition, Ohio River Valley Institute and Main Street for Lunch & Learn at noon where we will hear from Archbishop Marcia Dinkins framing the issue of shaping a new economy with justice, inclusion and environmentally safe communities. Our special guests: Dr. Jalonne White-Newsome, Environmental Justice 40 Initiative Director for the White House Council on Environmental Quality will address the importance of the EJ-40 Initiative. Her perspective brings a new paradigm to government spending as a catalyst for change. Sonia Kikeri, National Director for Policy and Civic Engagement for Emerald Cities will show how strong economies are democratic and inclusive of all populations that are impacted by public and private investment and policy decisions. Patricia DeMarco will discuss the intrinsic dignity of work and the new direction for jobs in the clean economy. There will be time for discussion and a call to action for October and November. Register for the event at the link below.
Over Zoom
12:00 pm

A Look at the Women in the Etchings of Frank A. Waugh
September 19, 2024
With Professor Emerita Annaliese Bischoff. In the twentieth century Frank A. Waugh was one of the most influential writers and advocates for horticulture, landscape design, and conservation, though he is not well known today. He wanted people to see beauty in the common places around them, beginning with the trees. Late in life he took up etching so he could represent trees in his penultimate book to popularize tree appreciation for everyone- men, women and children. In these etchings, beyond the trees, he represented three little known women who factored into his life- his wife, his eldest daughter and the long-term cleaning lady. Through the window of the etchings, more understanding about all of their important lives can be gleaned- how Waugh supported them and how they supported Waugh adds a dimension to history to be shared here. Their historically significant contributions to the larger community will be the focus. This Zube Lecture is sponsored by the UMass Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning.
UMass Amherst Design Building Lecture Hall (DB 170)
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Events at Smith

'Confluence' by Amanda Maciuba
September 5 through October 16, 2024
Amanda Maciuba’s work is an exploration of the visible and invisible marks of human hands on the landscape. Her practice investigates human relationships with the environment over time, forefronting the impacts of human driven climate change. Confluence is a series of prints, artist’s books and installations that are inspired by the confluence of the Kaw and Missouri Rivers in Kansas City, Kansas, that has expanded to consider multiple points how water shapes human life and how our actions impact river environments in return throughout the United States. Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. On view through October 17.
Oresman Gallery, Hillyer
8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Connecticut River Canoe Trip and Clean-up
September 28, 2024
join us for an outdoor adventure! On Saturday, September 28 we are headed out to the Connecticut River as part of the larger Source To Sea clean-up effort hosted by the Connecticut River Conservancy. We'll get to know this amazing river a bit by canoe- picking up litter along its banks while also enjoying riverside beaches and inlets. Our goal is to do good while also having some fun together! No prior canoeing experience is required. More details are on the form linked below. This is a Smith students only event.
Meet up on campus then head to the river together
11:00 am to 3:00 pm

Writing Personal Statements
September 30, 2024
In this generative workshop, you will learn strategies for writing effective personal statements and statements of purpose for graduate and professional school. We’ll cover what admission committees are looking for, essential elements to include in a statement, and strategies for drafting and revising. Participants will leave with original content for their essays as well as a possible structure. Please bring a laptop or pen and paper. Pizza will be provided, including vegan and gluten-free options. Register on Handshake (link below)
Campus Center 203
12:15 pm

Exhibition: Here, Now
August 30, 2024 through July 13, 2025
From August 30, 2024 until July 13, 2024, The Smith College Museum of Art (SCMA) will host a solo exhibition of art by Younes Rahmoun—one of Morocco’s most important artists—in partnership with the Botanic Garden of Smith College and Arts Afield at CEEDS. The exhibition will explore how Rahmoun’s place-based sculptures and installations have, for the last 25 years, created space for viewers to be in community, together in the here and now. Foremost among the exhibition's themes are nature, place, and landscape; spirituality; migration as a consequence of de/colonization; and the relationship between the macrocosm and the microcosm. The public can visit various elements of he exhibition- on Smith Campus at the SCMA and the Botanic Garden- and at Smith's Ada and Archibald MacLeish Field Station.
Smith College Museum of Art and the MacLeish Field Station

Events Off Campus

Lecture: Converting Science into Policy: A Career Inspired by Rachel Carson
September 26, 2024
Dr. William Sutherland, Professor of Conservation Biology, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, UK, will deliver a Rachel Carson Distinguished Lecture. Dr. Sutherland is a leading ecologist and conservation scientist. Over the last twenty years he has pioneered a range of approaches to policy and practice including novel means of horizon scanning, identifying policy-relevant research agendas, new techniques for collating and assessing evidence, and processes for embedding experiments into practice. With over eleven hundred named collaborators he has created the website (which reviews the evidence for the effectiveness of 3155 conservation actions), and a set of tools for making evidence-based decisions and embedding evidence into practice. He was President of the British Ecological Society and regularly advises government and conservation organizations. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society and a Commander of the British Empire, a recipient of the ECI Prize, Sir John Burnett Memorial Lecture Medal, Distinguished Service Award from the Society for Conservation Biology, Marsh Award for Ecology from the British Ecological Society, and many others. Register for this talk at the link below:
10:00 am

Lecture: What is a 'Third Place' and Why do They Matter?
September 26, 2024
With Karen Christensen. The term “third place” was coined in 1989 by sociologist Ray Oldenburg (1932-2022) in The Great Good Place, meaning happy gathering places that are neither home nor work. He saw that third places - cafes, taverns, bowling alleys, barbershops, and general stores – could be found around the world, providing fertile ground for human interaction, enhancing individual well-being, and contributing to the common good. Karen Christensen corresponded with Oldenburg for 20 years before meeting him, and he left her the job of writing a sequel to his landmark book. Christensen suggests that third places are the key to solving climate change, loneliness, and political polarization, and brings a cross-cultural perspective to issues including diversity, economics, and public transit. This Zube Lecture is sponsored by the UMass Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning.
UMass Amherst Design Building Lecture Hall (DB 170)
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Events at Smith

'Confluence' by Amanda Maciuba
September 5 through October 16, 2024
Amanda Maciuba’s work is an exploration of the visible and invisible marks of human hands on the landscape. Her practice investigates human relationships with the environment over time, forefronting the impacts of human driven climate change. Confluence is a series of prints, artist’s books and installations that are inspired by the confluence of the Kaw and Missouri Rivers in Kansas City, Kansas, that has expanded to consider multiple points how water shapes human life and how our actions impact river environments in return throughout the United States. Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. On view through October 17.
Oresman Gallery, Hillyer
8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Presentation of the Concentrations
October 4, 2024
Get more information about the concentrations at Smith (including the Environmental Concentration).
Carroll Room, Campus Center 208
12:15 pm to 1:10 pm

Environmental Study Abroad Info Session
October 7, 2024
Students interested in studying abroad with a program that has an environmental focus should plan to attend this lunchtime information session to learn about all of the different types of programs available. Angelo Pisano, Study Abroad Coordinator, will be there to answer questions and students who studied abroad last year will be there to share their stories. Lunch provided.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
12:15 pm