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The Dalai Lama at Smith

Visit from His Holiness the Dalai Lama Canceled

We regret to inform you that we were notified on Friday, September 25 by the Private Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama that the Dalai Lama’s October visit to the United States has been canceled. Among the events that have been canceled are the Dalai Lama’s scheduled appearances at Smith College, Amherst College and the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

The statement from the Private Office is below.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama arrived in the United States earlier this week for a medical evaluation. Upon completion of the evaluation, the doctors have advised that His Holiness take complete rest. As a result, His Holiness will be returning to Dharamsala next week and will not be able to visit the United States next month. We deeply regret cancellation of the visit and apologize to everyone who has worked so hard in organizing the visit as well as to the public who have been looking forward to the visit. We thank everyone for their support and understanding and would like to consider rescheduling the visit in the future.

The Private Office has noted that His Holiness is interested in rescheduling his Pioneer Valley visit at a later date. Should that occur, we will provide additional information as soon as it becomes available.

His Holiness The Dalai Lama
WIsdom, Compassion, Peace. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama at Hampshire and Smith Colleges


A committee that includes representation from Smith and Hampshire colleges and the Tibetan Association of Western Massachusetts is making arrangements for the visit by the Dalai Lama. Jay Garfield, director of the Five College Tibetan Studies in India Program and an authority on Buddhist philosophy, served as a liaison in arranging the visit and is now chairing the committee with Peg Pitzer, Smith College director of events management.

Committee Chairs

Jay Garfield, Doris Silbert Professor of Philosophy at Smith,

Peg Pitzer, Smith College Director of Events Management,

Hampshire College President’s Office

Diana Henley-Fernandez, Hampshire College Assistant to the President,

Sue Darlington, Hampshire College Associate Professor of Anthropology and Asian Studies,

Lobsang Norbu Shastri, Director, Translation and Research Unit, Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Visiting Professor of Philosophy, Smith and Hampshire Colleges,,,

Smith College President’s Office and Board of Trustees

Jackie Scalzo, Smith College Secretary to the President,

Rebecca Lindsey, Smith College Secretary to the Board of Trustees,

Tibetan Community Leaders

Thondup Tsering, President of the Tibetan Association of Western Massachusetts,

Yeshi Gyaltsen, Secretary of the Tibetan Association of Western Massachusetts,

College Relations

Judith Marksbury, Smith College Director of College Relations,

Buildings and Grounds

Diane Benoit, Smith College Manager of Building Services,

Dining Services

Betse Curtis, Smith College Dining Services Catering Manager,

Events Management

Ken Molnar, Smith College Events Management Database Manager,


Kristen Cole, Smith College Director of Media Relations,

Elaine Thomas, Hampshire College Director of Communications,

Public Safety

Paul Ominsky, Smith College Director of Public Safety,

Scott Graham, Smith College Deputy Chief of Public Safety,

Religious Life

Jennifer Walters, Smith College Dean of Religious Life,

Technology Support

Joanne CannonCarlson, Smith College Assistant Director of Information Technology,

About the Visit



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