
A Selection of Book Jacket & Binding Designs, 1949-1960

"A jacket assignment was always a special little thrill. It was another chance to strut your stuff and to have your work reach a national circulation. Every new jacket presented its own set of problems, but, within the limits of the publisher�s and author�s style or idiom, it was also an opportunity to do something fresh. Good reference sources of allegorical and historical images or better still, one�s own mental library of metaphorical and allusive motifs, were essential if one were to offer more than mere calligraphic renderings of title, etc. The greater one�s grasp of literary style and the better one�s knowledge of contemporary authors and subject matter, the more likely were commissions of interesting and significant books. But almost everybody did a share of pot-boilers, too."

--Charles Skaggs

Elephant and Castle - cover
Elephant and Castle--1949
The Child Buyer - cover
The Child Buyer--1960
Taw Jameson - cover
Taw Jameson--1953
This Reckless Breed of Men - cover
This Reckless Breed of Men--1950
Imitation of Christ - cover
The Imitation of Christ--1953
Great Operas - cover
Great Operas--1949
Time of Fallen Blossoms - cover
Time of Fallen Blossoms--1951

A History of Russia - cover
A History of Russia--1953

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