in Bloom at Smith?
summer long, plants and flowers of various types, shapes,
scents and colors burst into bloom at different times and
locations on campus. It’s hard to keep up with what’s blooming
where. To assist, the Gate is introducing this summer series.
Perhaps it will help guide your next lunchtime stroll, or
inspire a personal campus garden tour.
The first edition features daylilies
blooming in the Capen Garden. The
Capen Garden daylily bed, located at the west end of the
garden on either side of the locust pergola, is a relatively
new feature, and displays Stout Silver
Medal award-winning cultivars. The annual award, named for
Dr. Arlow Burdette Stout, the father of modern daylily breeding
in North America, has been given since 1950 by the American
Hemerocallis Society. It is the highest award a daylily can
What’s in Bloom on Campus?
(Click on images for enlarged view.)
Hemerocallis 'Barbara Mitchell," winner of
the 1992 Stout Silver Medal. |
Hemerocallis "Strawberry Candy," winner of
the 1998 Stout Silver Medal. |
Photos and information provided
by Pamela Dods, Botanic Garden.