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Enrollment Application

Regulations Governing Enrollment, Tuition, Late Fee and Withdrawal Enrollment

An enrollment agreement must be signed by both parent(s) or guardian(s) of each child. An enrollment deposit applicable to the tuition is required for each student to hold a place. As a condition of emollment, the parent(s) or guardian(s) agree to review and follow the guidelines and policies set forth in the Smith College Center for Early Childhood Education (CECE) Parent Handbook.

Tuition Payment

Tuition payments are made through TouchNet, Smith College's electronic billing system. New families will receive an e-mail from with your login information (your child's ID number and PIN, which is sent via a separate email) and a link directly to the TouchNet web site. From the TouchNet site, there will be links to help, frequently asked questions, and an instructional video on how to use the system. The aforementioned email will be sent to the email address you indicated on the front of this form.

Payment Options

Two Installment Plan

Bills are posted to your child's TouchNet account in July and December. First semester tuition is due in August. Second semester tuition is due in January.

Monthly Payment Plan

The TouchNet Payment Plan offers CECE families the opportunity to pay each semester's tuition, interest free, in 4 payments. (A total of 8 payments for the academic year.) The only cost to you is the enrollment fee of $30 per semester. You will find TouchNet payment plan enrollment information on their website via the link provided in your introductory e-mail referred to above. 

Smith Employee Deduction Plan

Enrolling in the CECE for the 2018-2019 academic year, tuition will be deducted July 2018-May 2019. Enrolling in the CECE for the summer 2018 and academic year 2018-2019, tuition will be deducted June 2018-May 2019. 

Late Fee Policy

Beginning on the next business day after any payment is due, monthly late payment fees, which are based on the outstanding balance remaining after any payment due date, will be assessed at the rate of $1.25 on every $100.00 (1.25%) that remains unpaid until the payment is received in full, on or before the next billing month in which the family is invoiced. Please direct questions regarding charges or credits to the Office of the Controller.


Any withdrawal should be made in writing to the Director of the Center for Early Childhood Education. 

Children who withdraw on or after the first day of the program will be entitled to tuition refund as follows:

Prior to the 2nd week of classes 75% of the full year tuition
Prior to the 3rd week of classes 50% of the full year tuition
Prior to the 4th week of classes 25% of the full year tuition
Prior to the 5th week of classes 10% of the full year tuition
Thereafter 0

If you wish to enroll your child in the Smith College Center for Early Childhood Education for the coming academic year, please provide the child's name:


If you are a Smith College employee and would like to be part of the Smith Employee Deduction Plan, please provide your name and position at the College:

Responsible Person

Person responsible for payment:


By my initials, I confirm that I/We have read and accept the enrollment regulations set forth in this agreement and the guidelines and policies set forth in the Smith College Center for Early Childhood Education Parent Handbook:

Application Fee
The application fee is $30.00 and is nonrefundable. When you click Submit and Pay you will be taken to our TouchNet site, which takes Visa or MasterCard payments.