Be HealthSmart

Published May 27, 2023
Practicing HealthSmart behaviors such as careful, frequent handwashing; covering your coughs and sneezes with your elbows; not sharing drinks, food, smoking materials, mouthpieces, lip balm and makeup; disinfecting commonly touched items; and maintaining a distance of about three–six feet from persons who appear ill (or avoiding close contact with others if you are ill) are the best ways of preventing most illnesses.
- Eat well-balanced, nutritious meals
- Get plenty of rest—aim for 8 hours a night!
- Stay hydrated
- Wash your hands often
- Avoid touching your face
- Cover your cough or sneeze
- Clean your hands often
- Discard tissues after use
- Disinfect commonly touched items like doorknobs and phones
- Avoid sharing drinks, phones, tablets, earbuds, keyboards, makeup or toothbrushes
Thank you for helping us keep our community healthy and safe!