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Reminder: Burton & Sabin-Reed will be closed from 7–10 a.m. on Monday, March 17

COVID-19 Response Plan

The college’s “Culture of Care” COVID-19 Response Plan underscores the core value that must guide every member of the Smith community—caring for ourselves and for one another to promote a safe and healthy campus environment.

Beginning Monday, June 13, 2022, we will change our COVID-19 protocols.

Read more in this May 31, 2022 letter to students, faculty and staff.

Changes to COVID-19 Testing Hours

On Monday, May 16, the COVID-19 testing center hours are changing to reflect the reduced campus population. Please review the May 12, 2022 notice for details.

Current Operating Mode: Green

Beginning January 31, the campus is guided by green/yellow/orange/red operating modes, with the progression of colors designating least to most restrictive modes. 

Explore the Operating Modes

What You Need to Know

All students, staff, faculty, and visitors must follow Smith College’s COVID-related health and safety policies. If you are sick or showing symptoms related to COVID-19, stay home and get tested.


Smith College requires all employees and undergraduate and graduate students to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. As of December 6, 2021, this includes booster shots. Further guidance can be found here.

Regular Community Screenings

Students and employees are required to participate in the college’s COVID-19 screening program. Testing frequency for the campus community is determined by the current operating mode. Aggregated screening results will be reported via the college’s Coronavirus Screening Activity dashboard.


Masking is required in all indoor spaces unless a student or employee is eating, drinking or alone (or with their roommate) in their individual room or office. 

Buildings and Campus Areas

The majority of buildings on Smith’s campus are open to the public. Information about access to specific buildings will be updated as it becomes available. The new Neilson library is limited to OneCard holders in the testing program at this time. For more information, please see the libraries website.


As of November 8, Smith College will permit external, vaccinated guests to attend indoor events sponsored by a department or a program (not an individual). Student-sponsored events remain closed to external guests. Further information can be found on the Policies page.

Learning on Campus

Classes will be taught in person on campus, in Smith classrooms, labs, studios and other facilities. In keeping with the mission of the college, hybrid or remote courses are not offered, nor will remote participation for entire courses be allowed. We will continue to monitor COVID on campus and in the community and could change operations based on those conditions. Questions should be directed to the department chair and/or the Class Deans’ Office.

Living on Campus

Up to date information about living on campus is available on the Student Affairs page. All students are required to participate in the college’s COVID-19 testing program twice weekly.

Working on Campus

Fully vaccinated staff and faculty are required to participate in the college’s COVID-19 testing program twice weekly; those who have an approved exemption from vaccination are required to be tested twice weekly. Staff and faculty with disabilities, including those experiencing significant health or mental health challenges, may request job-related accommodations necessary for them to return to work by reaching out to their supervisors and/or the Office of Human Resources.

Tested positive for COVID-19 or have symptoms? Here’s what to do.

STOP: If you are a student who has tested positive for COVID-19, contact immediately.

If you have tested positive for COVID-19, visit the Schacht Center COVID-19 webpage for more information.

  1. A contact tracer will notify you of your test result and perform a state-required interview.
  2. Isolate for 5 days.
    • Contact tracers will work with individuals living on campus to identify an appropriate isolation space and place the student on a short term medical absence if needed.
    • Individuals living on campus who test positive and can get home via a personal vehicle may work with Health Services to determine whether they can complete their isolation at their off-campus home. Please speak with a Schacht Center for Health and Wellness staff member before leaving campus.
    • Employees and individuals living off campus should isolate at home and notify their supervisor that they will be home for at least five days.
  3. On your fifth day of isolation, if your symptoms are improving, you have been fever-free for 24 hours without the aid of medication, and you have not been advised by a medical provider to isolate longer:
    • Students may exit isolation and must continue to mask and use only grab-and-go dining for an additional five days. 
    • Employees may return to their regular work schedule and must continue to mask for an additional five days.
  4. Following isolation, do not participate in the Smith College PCR testing program for 90 days.


This guidance only applies to fully vaccinated individuals. Those who have received approved exemptions from vaccinations or who are eligible for but have not yet received a booster must quarantine at home.

  1. Students should continue attending class and employees should continue working, but must wear a mask around others for 10 full days and monitor themselves for any COVID-related symptoms. Employees are encouraged to discuss the option for remote work with their supervisors during this period.
  2. If asymptomatic, complete a required PCR test on day 5 following exposure. A contact tracer will provide close contacts with the exact date to be tested.
  3. If COVID-like symptoms develop, contact the Schacht Center immediately at 413.585.2250 to schedule a symptomatic test.

  1. Do not test at the Campus Center test site if you have symptoms associated with COVID.
  2. Students and employees who develop symptoms should submit a PCR test to the self-collection kiosk (see details in the “Self-Collection Kiosk (Symptomatic)” section above. They may also access an antigen test at the kiosk to administer at home. Employees or students who develop symptoms Friday - Sunday and do not have access to a home antigen test should email who can assist them in acquiring a test on campus. 
  3. Anyone who tests positive using an antigen test should email as soon as possible, and follow the instructions under the “I have tested positive for COVID-19” section.
  4. Do not attend class or work until your symptoms have improved and you have received a negative rapid antigen or PCR test result. Wear a mask at all times.

If you believe you have been exposed outside of your presence on campus and are asymptomatic, wear a mask around others for 10 full days and monitor yourself for any COVID-related symptoms. Complete a PCR test on day 5 following exposure.

To the Community

Letters to the Community Archive

Letters to the Community

Contact More Information


For questions about testing and tracing, please email