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 by Jo Ann
  Age 16

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  Marijuana is a tobacco-like substance that comes from the hemp plant. The drug is normally consumed by smoking. Marijuana is classified as a minor psychedelic drug because its effects do not cause a complete break with reality. However, if large amounts of high potency marijuana are used, it is possible for a person to experience a full psychedelic effect. The most noticeable sign of someone who is using marijuana is the redness of their eyes, which is caused by the heart rate increasing and blood vessels of the eyes dilating.
Photo of Jo Ann
      Jo Ann, Age 16
  When someone first starts smoking marijuana, (s)he gets a sense of well-being, relaxation, a willingness to speak or laugh openly, and sleepiness. As someone continues to smoke it in higher doses, the effects are little more extreme. The person might experience an altered sense of time, loss of short-term memory, a loss of balance, and difficulty in completing their thought process.  
  An even higher dose can lead to feelings of severe anxiety and panic, hallucinations, paranoia, and delusions.
Marijuana is a popular drug among teens that is often used in group settings such as parties and during or after school. One reason why it is so popular is because it's very difficult to tell when someone is "high" on it so teens are able to get away with using it. Most teenagers justify their use of marijuana by saying that it's not a harmful drug. However, marijuana does have its own set of side effects that can be harmful to your body. Below is a list of possible side-effects marijuana can have:

  • impaired short-term memory, a shortened attention span, delayed reflexes
  • the drug may cause birth defects during pregnancy
  • a fast heart rate and pulse
  • relaxed inhibitions and disoriented behavior
  • loss of appetite
  • a more vivid sense of taste, sight, smell, and hearing
Other names for Marijuana

  • Pot
  • Grass
  • Joints
  • Roaches
  • Reefer
  • Mary Jane
  • Weed
  • Bud
  • Herb
  • Chronic
  • Hash