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ยค Chlamydia infections are the most common sexually transmitted diseases with an estimated 4 million new cases per year.

This disease is transmitted through insertive* and receptive* vaginal, anal and oral sex. Chlamydia can be spread to other parts of the body by touching the infected area, and then touching the eye. Many people who are infected with the disease show few or no symptoms. In men and women both, the symptoms include

  • Abnormal genital discharge.
  • Burning with urination.
  • Redness and irritation.

Chlamydia infections in the eye can cause redness, irritation, and sometimes severe swelling in the lining of the eye. (for pictures of symptoms see:

Any symptoms begin to show within one to two weeks after exposure to someone who is infected. In a woman, an untreated chlamydia infection may lead to infertility and ectopic pregnancy. Once diagnosed, chlamydia infections are treatable with antibiotic drugs, which completely kill off the infection.

*Insertive: the insertive partner in a sexual situation puts their penis into another person's mouth, vagina or anus, or their tongue into their vagina or anus.

*Receptive: the receptive partner has something done to them, such as taking a penis into their mouth or having someone put their tongue in their anus or vagina.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Genital Herpes
Genital Warts
Techniques for Prevention and Control
