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Bozena Welborne

Associate Professor of Government; Director of Program in Middle East Studies

Boz Welborne


10 Prospect Street #302


Bozena Welborne teaches courses on the Middle East, political economy, and women’s political participation. Welborne’s book, Women, Money, and Political Participation in the Middle East (Palgrave, 2022), explores how money from abroad conditions women’s political and economic opportunities in the region. Welborne is also a co-author of the book, The Politics of the Headscarf in the United States (Cornell University Press, 2018), which showcases results from the largest academic survey of Muslim-American women regarding their Islamic practice and politicization. Her work has been published in the Digest of Middle East StudiesMiddle East Law and GovernanceThe Journal of Arabian Studies, Social Sciences QuarterlyPolitics and Religion, Political Research Quarterly, and by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) and the Baker Institute for Public Policy (BIPP) at Rice University. Prior to Smith, Welborne was an assistant professor at the University of Nevada, Reno.   

Office Hours

Spring 2025

Thursday 1–2:45 p.m.


Ph.D., M.A., University of Colorado
B.A., Colorado College

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