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David Faust

Research Affiliate in Environmental Science and Policy

David Faust


David Faust recently retired as librarian for South Asia and the Middle East at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, where he worked closely with faculty and students in advancing research on a range of sociocultural, political, and ecological issues. Faust is a geographer by training and has a long-standing interest in relations between people and the more-than-human world, particularly around hierarchies of difference and property regimes that mediate access and control over land, water, and forests, with a geographical focus on South Asia.

Selected publications

Sheppard, Eric, Philip W. Porter, David R. Faust, and Richa Nagar. 2009. A World of Difference: encountering and contesting development. New York: Guilford Press.

“South Asia Niche Collecting: Development Studies and Contestation.” Conference paper, 6th Annual South Asia Cooperative Collection Development Workshop, Madison, Wisconsin, October 2015.


Ph.D, M.A., University of Minnesota
M.A., University of Iowa
B.S., Iowa State University