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Eric McCurdy

Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology


Bass Hall 403


Eric McCurdy received his doctorate in counseling psychology from The University of Akron, and a bachelor’s from University of Massachusetts Amherst. He comes to Smith from the University of Maine’s Farmington campus, where he taught in their counseling psychology graduate program. At Smith he teaches Introduction to Psychology, Adolescent & Emerging Adulthood Development, and Special Topics seminars.

McCurdy’s research focuses broadly on gender, with specific focuses in traditional masculine norms and women’s experiences in STEM careers. He’s excited to work Smith students in the Gender Research Lab, which is currently focused on African American women’s experiences in STEM and on Mansplaining

Selected Publications

Levant, R. F., McCurdy, E. R., Keum, B. T. H., Halter, M. J., Stefanov, D. G., & Cox, D. W. (2022) Is the Mediated and Moderated Relationship between Men’s Endorsement of Traditional Masculinity Ideology and Intention to Seek Counseling Invariant by Race-Ethnicity and Sexual Orientation? Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 53(3), 234–243.

McCurdy, E. R., Levant, R. F., & Gerdes, Z. T. (2019) The Male Role Norms Inventory. In Milhausen, R.R., Sakaluk, J.K. Fischer,  T. D., Davis,  C. M.,  & Yarber, W. L., (Eds.) The Handbook of Sexuality Related Measures (4th ed.) : New York, NY: Routledge

Levant, R.F., Parent, M.C., McCurdy, E.R., Bradstreet, T.C. (2015) Moderated Mediation of the Relationships Between Masculinity Ideology, Outcome Expectations, and Energy Drink Use Health Psychology, 34, 1100-1106, doi:10.1037/hea0000214

Office Hours

Fall 2023
Monday 3-4 p.m. 
Tuesday 12:30-2:30 p.m.



Ph. D., M.A. The University of Akron
B.S. University of Massachusetts Amherst

Gender Research Lab @ Smith College
Selected Works in ScholarWorks