Heather Hannon ’21

Now located: Massachusetts
What clubs, sports, other activities are you normally involved in?
Duct Tape Productions*, Best Buddies, Gold Key, Geo Club, Reader to Reader, Project Coach
(*The ogre ears are from our fall 2019 production of Shrek: the Musical that I recently co-directed.)
If you had to pick one geological formation to represent you and fellow Smithies, what would it be and why?
Mount Norwottuck! I hiked Norwottuck with a few friends in November and it quickly became one of my favorite hikes in the Holyoke Range. Norwottuck’s best views aren’t at the summit, they’re on an unmarked ledge just before the peak, reminding Smithies to be creative, flexible and adaptable. The trail leading to the summit is also full of history and breathtaking views, reminding goal-oriented Smithies to take things slow and enjoy the journey. Finally, the November Norwottuck hike was my little sib’s first hike ever, so, in my eyes, it will always be a place of growth, friendship and Smith tradition!
“The November Norwottuck hike was my little sib’s first hike ever, so, in my eyes, it will always be a place of growth, friendship and Smith tradition!”
What’s one place on campus you particularly miss?
I’m really missing Davis Ballroom, where Duct Tape Productions rehearses and performs our shows! It’s strange not being there this semester when I’ve spent so much time there in past semesters putting together some amazing shows and forming incredible friendships. The space just holds so many memories for me.
How have you seen the Smith community coming together in ways that surprised you?
I’ve loved watching everyone find creative ways to connect with friends and peers! I’ve seen students writing letters, hosting virtual game and movie nights, showing up for Zoom study sessions and even holding virtual house teas. It’s just been inspiring to watch the Smith community stay connected during an otherwise isolating time.
What’s one message you’d say to incoming students or one thing you’d tell them about being at Smith?
It’s okay if it takes time to find your place here! Join clubs to meet people with similar interests, talk to people in your classes, move houses if you need to, and remember that you have the power to shape your time here. It’ll all work out.

Smithie Snapshots is a new profile series highlighting members of the Smith community, located all over the world.